Photoshop's new tool will capture fake images

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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Adobe's popular photo-editing software, Photoshop, has been misused in the media for a long time. As digital tools improve, it becomes more and more difficult to verify these criminal activities.

Adobe was looking for a way to solve this problem. That's why people are misleading people by spreading fake pictures using the software that they have created for the real needs of the people. There is even work to spread tension among different groups by promoting edited pictures. For example, pictures of sharks swimming freely in flood waters once became hugely popular on social media. But that was fake. Such activities are happening for many years.

Last Tuesday, Adobe announced a new tool in Photoshop. The company hopes that this tool will restore confidence in people and make it easier to verify the authenticity of a photo. However, a beta version of the tool is currently running.

Adobe says the tool will be optional, initially free of charge for users. The person who will edit the photo will get the overall information online. Where the original image was created, how it was altered, and what tools were used to alter the image are all available.

Regards: @FurKan786

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