The way the game of chess started

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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Hello Friends..
After learning the rules, you have to learn tactics, strategy in chess. The game of chess is divided into three parts. The beginning part, the middle part and the last part. The first part is game development. The game is played in the middle and at the end. The next two parts depend on how well a player was able to develop the game in the beginning. Usually the first 15 rice is called the starting part. This issue discusses the intelligence of the early part of the game.

At the beginning of the game, the possibility of different types of rice is very high, so it is very difficult to calculate the rice. It is not possible at the beginning to think of every move and its consequences. So if you play with a few small things in mind, it will be easier to stay ahead of the opponent in this part.

Play chess on the battlefield

The chess field can be thought of as a battlefield. The red line in the middle of picture number 1 is called the frontier line. In front of it is your enemy area. The more possession you have in that area, the further you will be in the game. Possession means that you have a dice or a condition to attack the house with a dice.

Midfield is also very important in chess like playing football. In a situation where both the players have equal strength, the player in the middle four cells (green square in Figure 1) who is more commonly said to be in possession, is ahead in the game.
Game development

At the beginning of the game both players have 32 dice and 32 empty spaces. Start the game, take possession of these 32 houses. As the game progresses, the dice of both players continue to fall, and the empty space continues to grow. He should also try to increase the occupation of the houses.

The key to starting the game is game development. Game development means taking the pieces in such a way that the occupation increases on that side of the frontier line. The more possession, the more the game can go forward. In this case, we have to think democratically, we have to try to use every lot. I will occupy a large area only with a minister, if I think about it I will lose in the end.

In the second picture, white rice. There are three ways to take the game to yourself by developing the game. (1) Bb2, it will occupy a large ear. (2) Re1, this move will occupy a completely blank file (column). (3) Ne4, the rotation being placed in the center, position in the middle. At this point in the game, White should think about these moves and slowly occupy these positions.


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One-line intelligence

You have to remember this very well, you can't play the same dice twice in a row at the beginning of the game. It will fall behind in the game. The rice should be planned in such a way that one piece does not have to be run twice. You have to give other pieces a chance to develop.

Soldiers' dice are low

Soldiers go to the battlefield and fight. But the fight in chess has to be done with another piece. Giving the army rice means wasting a rice, so to speak. And if you waste one rice, you are one rice behind the opponent. The army can only move when the army helps to occupy the midfield (the four important houses) or to resist or mobilize the opposition's midfield. According to Lascar, it is best if you start with one or two soldiers at the beginning of the game.

Opposition troops do not need to eat at the beginning. The exception is for the four midfielders.

The midfielder's four-legged soldier must be eaten all the time, if there is no chance of losing a strong knot or falling into any trap. Only troops can be cut to occupy the four houses in the midfield.

Developed lots cost more

Just as you have to cut the opponent's dice during the game, you also have to let your dice be cut a couple of times. A lot of times when you go to cut the opponent's lot, you may have to cut your own lot. This is called exchange.

When exchanging, the first thing to keep in mind is not to lose a lot of energy than the opponent. The strength of the pieces is: army = 1, elephant = 3, horse = 3, boat = 5, minister = 9. The second thing to keep in mind is that the self-developed lot cannot be cut. As in Figure 4, white should not eat the undeveloped horse of the opponent in exchange for the developed elephant. The opposite is also true, if you can cut a developed dice against the same force in exchange for your own undeveloped dice, it can be exchanged.

The fort must be established quickly

Castling must be established as soon as possible. Castling provides an opportunity to develop the boat without having to move troops. And the king is protected.

Start a few conventional games

There are some simple formulas to play in the beginning of a game of hundreds of years. This is called opening. Skilled chess players use these very intelligently. It is not easy for novice players to learn the openings and use them efficiently. You have to learn them in the next step. First I want to learn these tactics.

Briefly at the end

The purpose of the early part of the game is game development, not attacking the opponent. At the same time you have to protect your king, usually by castling. If unreasonable soldiers destroy the rice, they will fall behind in the game. Try to develop every piece (except the army). It is very foolish to cast the same ball twice. If you hold on to the midfield, you can stay ahead at any time. Keep in mind when exchanging, so as not to lose the developed lot. A few openings can be learned.

You don't have to practice every one of these tactics in one game. Take tactics one by one, master them. At the end, let's take another tactic. If you can learn the good part, you will be able to play well in the next part.

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