The telescope will show the world outside the solar system

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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The scope of human knowledge about the solar system is limited. But even then, scientists want to know the unknown world outside this known solar system. The European Space Agency is launching a special telescope to study the vast expanses of space outside the solar system. Over the next two years, it will gather and analyze information about the world outside the Sun family.

How much is not known about the Sun and the new planets, and what is beyond it. Nah, at first it didn't match. But officials at the European Space Agency have lost out to the interest of a few scientists. On Thursday, the agency gave the green signal to collect information about the outer world of the solar system.

The burden of this mission has been placed on the shoulders of Britain. Giovanna Tinetti, a leading professor at University College London, is responsible for the technical operation of the Aerial Space Telescope.

Over the next two years, Ariel's main task will be to analyze the gaseous matter outside the solar system, and to guess from there how the universe was created, how many years ago, and what might have been there. Then by 2029, 1.5 million kilometers away from the Earth's orbit will be sent 'aerial', that is, outside the solar system. It is designed to operate at a temperature of minus 230 degrees Celsius in space. For four years from 2029, it will conduct exploration work from space. Gather detailed information about at least a thousand exoplanets. Then it will be understood what is actually on the other side of the universe we know.

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