Technology, Is it making us less dependent on ourselves?

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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Technology and human life cannot be divided or separated from each other; The world has a huge co-dependence on technology. We depend on technology; rely on technology in our everyday life and our wants and requirements for technology keep on growing. Humans have technology to go, to interact, to learn, to do business and to stay in ease.

However, technology has also had us fears. Its bad use has resulted in the contamination of the situation and it has also caused sever danger to our lives and community. This calls for appropriate usage of technology. The biggest challenge facing people is to decide the kind of time we want to take and then produce relevant technologies which can change the way we do things.

Technology is and has made our lives easier and more convenient; it makes our day faster and it's very easy to use.

Here are a couple of instances where technology (especially electronics and information technology) has created people to be lazier or encouraged unhealthy lifestyle. This is not limited to computers, but all technologies that people get accustomed to despite recognizing that these are not better for their health and well-being.

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There was an idea that someone came up with. What if one day you rise in the morning and stroll into your smart kitchens with your breakfast served and tea or coffee made by friendly robots. Then after served by these friendly robots you would be driven to work by your smart cars while relaxing and reading a book or newspaper. Surprisingly, there is some thought of this theory becoming an everyday reality.

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As fantastic as this theory or dream may sound, it is just encouraging people to be lazier, to do nothing at all. Have a second and think about how google has completely eliminated the idea of traditional research.

Your parents must have spent hours in libraries researching got their essays, and now it takes us ten minutes with a functional search engine. Has technology made us more lazy then? Has the digital era made our minds weaker, has it made us dumber, has it made deep thinking impossible? I believe so, as we are more dependent on it.

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What happens if one day all technology just disappeared. What would you do? You don't have the internet to research with food or plant is safe to eat. You won't have cars to drive you from one place to another. How will you communicate with someone who's on the other side of the country.

Although I do admit that technology is useful and handy, there are some technology that you don't need to use but just have. A lot of people take technology and their uses for granted, sometimes knowing little about what brought that little or big piece of technology into existence. Did you know that while our generation is continuing to favor the technology that we are accustomed to the older generations are having a difficult time adopting to new technologies.

Surprisingly enough, it is technology itself that frequently contributes to, or allows us to make greater technology. Whenever there's a recent breakthrough or the innovation, it either utilizes older technology as the part of itself, or utilizes older technology at its existence, or is itself a better version of older technology. Likewise, every new technology paves was for the development of the human beings also.

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Now what's your opinion. Do you believe that technology is the best thing for the world or are we better off without it? Can we live in a world where there is no technology or is it so important that we need it to live?


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