Hello friends, today I present a Christmas Tree ornament with recycled material, it is a beautiful ornament made with paper rolls.
Used materials:
1 roll of paper.
Christmas green cold paint.
Colored bed bugs.
Bright yellow foam.
Take the paper roll clean it and apply the christmas green color on the outside and inside.
Then, on cardboard, draw a tree with a graphite pencil.
Cut out the tree and apply Christmas green paint.
Using a star mold, remove the star in bright yellow foam.
Glue the star to the tree in the center and top.
Then with a thin brush I made white streaks on the tree.
Pegue el árbol en el rollo de papel.
Agrege unos chinches de colores y unos recortes foami amarillo y blanco brillante para hacerlo más llamativo.
Add some colored bed bugs and bright yellow and white foami cutouts to make it more eye-catching.
And voila, I present to you my Christmas Tree ornament with recycled material.