Ok, well thank you for sharing your point of view with me. It's not something I'll ever agree is ok, irrespective of who's doing it or their reasons for doing it but as one other user also wrote:
Am I the stupid one for not doing it?
And I've previously asked myself the same question regarding UpVu.
Sure no problem and lets compare my voting ,@double-u and your voting of the last 7 Days.

You did 43 Votes in the Last 7 Days and 1 Vote was a Selfvote. Your casted votes 2 23 diffrent User.
@double-u did 262 Votes in the Last 7 Days and 4 Votes where Selfvotes. He casted votes 2 43 User in the 7 Days.
And i did 103 Votes in the Last 7 Days and 1 Vote was a Selfvote. I casted 33 User.
Who did of us 3 the most 4 the community in the Last 7 Days ? What do u think and remember u gave 8 Votes 2 bitsports(what is your right 2 do).
All of which is irrelevant to the debate regarding self-voting and ignores the earlier question I asked regarding other voting services. (I don't recall self-upvoting but I'm not one to argue with computers.)
I've also previously delegated to UpVu and still have a delegation to Tomayon. So am I being ironic, or am I just another hypocrite out to serve my own interests?
At this time, I'm not committed to the Blurt community. My investment was an initial taster to see what I thought and unfortunately, all of the content I'm interested in is plagiarised. At this time, there's no consequence for the actual plagiarists (like there has been for UpVu). So I'm waiting to see what happens before deciding whether to invest more seriously with my time, IT skills or financially, which at the moment, I'm unlikely to do. I still have some hope (with megadrive at the reigns) so I'm holding my current investment.
ctime decided to continue his investment, safe in the knowledge that his nemesis (UpVu) has been banned. Nothing is being done about my 2 nemesis (plagiarism and self-voting).
So you'll obviously contribute more to the community and whilst doing so, continue to fill your own pockets. Which is your right to do. But the fact that this debate even exists, means that people know that they shouldn't be doing it, yet continue to do so.
By the way, I'm going to leave the debate at this point but I will continue to read your replies.
My final note on the subject is to say that upvoting services (like UpVu) benefit 2 people, the service and the person using it. Self-voting only benefits the person self-voting. It is a selfish act. And in my opinion, Selfish is contradictory to the idea of Community (no matter how you paint it).