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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Which Narrative ??? I am recommending people buy Blurt every day on Hive-Engine, Ionomy etc.... I myself buy Blurt every few minutes on and I don’t get any downvotes for that. It’s only when I write a post promoting Blurt on Hive that I get into trouble.

Also you can promote Blurt anywhere else on the Internet without any problems. Actually I earn a ton of BitcoinCash promoting Blurt on YouTube, Theta, Twitter etc etc ... I also earn hundreds of Steem, SBD, TRX promoting Blurt on Steemit.... If you are going to mention Blurt on Hive use some alt account.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If you are going to mention Blurt on Hive use some alt account.

That must be why. I don't really know too much except you said you got downvoted and thats why I have never interacted.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If you are on Discord you will see that I recommend buying a little Blurt on the dips .... on Hive- Engine and Ionomy. I have mentioned that whenever I have mentioned Blurt on Hive or Leo Finance I get very angry comments and downvotes. So to avoid getting g angry comments and downvotes I recommend you don’t mention Blurt on Hive or LEO... but all other places LOVE Blurt