LET US TALK. What do you like/dislike about blurt?

in blurtdevelopment •  2 years ago 


Every Tuesday I will make a post and we will all discuss. The aim is to bring communities together and to discuss as a family that is United. Comments will be voted and gifts will be won when necessary but not always.
Today’s question is simple but you need to say what is on your mind and be very sincere with your answer

What do you like/dislike about blurt ?

I invite everyone to participate and let’s hear from you and know what you think and your suggestions.
I kindly invite these persons to assist with the comments votes
And anyone who is willing to help vote comments under this post.

Note: no one will attack you under this post and no one will hate on you or mute you for saying what’s on your mind

If you like my work on blurt kindly vote me for witness
Click here

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This guy called @bestkizito is really awesome, his passion and dedication to #blurt still amazes me.

It is also an opportunity to appreciate
kindly invite these persons to assist with the comments votes
@blessed-girl and @offgridlife who at most times post updates on the current Russia-Ukraine war 😀

Hmmmmm, I love blurt ooooo, since I joined, it has being my company, I spend so much time learning and u learning so many things.

I also appreciate the fact that there are new updates coming into the platform, this to me shows growth and a better future for #blurt.

For dislikes, there are not much things I don't like about blurt except that we don't take out time to read and comment on post as much as we can do.

But in all I do love blurt so much and currently preparing a post to enlighten the community why they should comment on posts.

Thank @bestkizito.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your compliments I appreciate so much. I wish to see you on my next publication. Thanks good vibes

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
I'm happy for this opportunity to write about the things we like and dislike about Blurt. First of all, I have a lineup for this. Starting with my likes...
  • When I joined Blurt, I can remember getting some welcome messages like, "You too can do well here; you too can become a millionaire on Blurt; you can succeed and become a whale too..." All those words were not just to welcome me but they were real facts about Blurt. I have come to love what I see here especially the Support and opportunities Blurt provide.
  • I love Blurt because of it's potentials in changing people's financial status. This fact cannot be overlooked. Blurt has grown from providing passive income and can even be a major source of income to those who are consistent with content creation.
  • Blurt help blog newbies to develop themselves by trying to create some plagiarism free articles and also improve on their writing skills on a daily basis.
  • Blurt compared to other social platforms give generous upvotes to writers, making every quality content rewardable without much stress.
  • Everyday, new features are being introduced to the ecosystem to improve the user experience and also ease the complexity of the platform. New members can navigate the site with little or no assistance. This is another thing I like about Blurt.
  • Blurt is decentralized. All the transactions done in people's wallets are not secretive. This is also a good one for the platform.

Now to my dislikes...

  • I don't like the fact that major investors are having dispute that leads to dumping the coin. This is not helping BLURT coin to grow. Although, the Blurt rate will pump with time, it would be better to avoid the dump and settle those minor disputes amicably. (This is just my opinion though).
  • Secondly, Most people tend to devote their time and energy to make a quality post only for them to get a very low upvote, while others can just write anything and boom!, a huge reward. This sends a message that post rewards are gotten based on the popularity of the writer. That is another thing I dislike about Blurt.
  • Then thirdly, I don't like the fact that we pay Blurt to make posts and also pay for every other activities like following and upvoting. This sometimes discourage me from making a very long post as I tend to pay more for it. The number of engagements are also reduced because of this.

Finally, I think Blurt is bound to make a huge impact if improvements are made regularly. The platform is a nice one and we can grow it together. Cheers to better days!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I don't like the fact that major investors are having dispute that leads to dumping the coin. This is not helping BLURT coin to grow. Although, the Blurt rate will pump with time, it would be better to avoid the dump and settle those minor disputes amicably. (This is just my opinion though).

Things like these keep going on in all the platforms. Just ignore this and continue with your blog. And the selling of tokens, has created an opportunity for people to buy blurt at a low price, which was not possible few days before. And if more people decide to stick with blurt, the coin will only go up along with some downs like a roller coaster.

Secondly, Most people tend to devote their time and energy to make a quality post only for them to get a very low upvote, while others can just write anything and boom!, a huge reward. This sends a message that post rewards are gotten based on the popularity of the writer. That is another thing I dislike about Blurt.

Here the content is king, but it is obvious that an old writer may get more votes, because people have connected with them. And you are new, being new one need to create content, interact with others, admire others content. This is how you promote yourself, same for real world.
You know you are a good writer, but unless people know you, how will they admire and vote.

Then thirdly, I don't like the fact that we pay to Blurt to make posts and also pay for every other activity like following and upvoting. This sometimes discourages me from making a very long post as I tend to pay more for it. The number of engagements is also reduced because of this.

Blurt is better because of this. On other platforms there is a lot of spam, which is not the case for blurt. And its true, one need to pay for actions, but only for start. Everyone here starts from the same, and also i did spend 3$ to have an account and after which i was supported by the people here.

The same thing happens for all new ones, but the numbers are growing in large and may not be possible to support all but this does not mean, you should stop working. Just keep on working, voting, commenting, reblurting posts and you will be popular.

Even for me being a witness, if i don't go and interact with people, no one will know that I exist. So it's just people and behaviors, just interact and promote yourself.


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks @tekraze for this beautiful reply. I hope to be a witness like you someday. For now am growing 😆😅🤣. Cheers!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow... Thank you for your reply. One love

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

BLURT is like a family for me.

I have learned a little bit about cryptocurrency by staying on this platform and this is my first platform. I have learned a lot by staying here and I want to learn more and more. I've made some friends here too.

what I Dislike?

only 1 thing
when the server goes down 🤣🤣
but thanks to @tekraze and @saboin and others developers who have maintained the Blurt server so well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Blurt is family to me too and to most of the users. About your dislikes 😅😅😅 we can’t be perfect 100% everyday some days re like that but thankfully those who have that responsibility re doing a great wonderful job. See you on my next publication on Tuesday

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I joined this platform last year, back then I was pregnant and stopped blogging when I gave birth and was nursing my baby... What I like about the platform is that back then big users support me even without knowing me.... But I came back recently and I hardly get support which is discouraging 😢

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back dear @millymusty. I want to assure you that things ain't changed on blurt. Stay calm, stay focused, catch the vibes and get the feeling. Blurt is always a family where we have "all for one and one for all". Welcome back.

How is our Blurt baby doing? Tell him or her that Blurt sends warm greetings.

Cheers to you.
Cheers to you baby.
Cheers to blurt.
Cheers to the future.

Welcome back and always drop content and wait for your votes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope your baby is fine. Keep engaging the support will come again.
Best wishes

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have written before about my thoughts on blurt and that was two days after I signed up. I sounded really excited to be on blurt owing to the fact that the support on newbies post is reasonably better than any other blog. I never joined blurt because of some trivial pursuit but because my friends @bestkizito and @samhenrytenplus found a home as they usually say on blurt so I decided to join. It's sad to say that in less than 5 days I was disappointed with what I saw on blurt... Owing to the cold war amongst the big wigs here (names withheld)... The fun I started to enjoy was only shortlived... Or so I thought!!! So I made a post calling for peace of which I was not expecting to get anyone's attention anyway but gladly I learned a valuable lesson, the issues here were personal and not general... Though what affects one of us definitely affects all of us, but we can't continue to dwell on the past, to grow we must move on. I became more active on blurt, joining some communities and yes! I can now say I am really enjoying blurt, I can really understand while my friends talked me into joining blurt. And Yes! Blurt is indeed a home with a big family. I don't regret being here...🤝
So let's talk about some issues writers face... I observe that most post with good/quality contents are overlooked and undervoted because in truth people are not really interested in the quality of your post, the research dept or the originality of your work.. sometimes it is discouraging going into deep research to write an article or poem or any content you think no body will be interested in reading. But I think we can do better if we don't just upvote for sentiments, emotions or personal affiliations but show more commitment and encouragements by at least commenting on people's post letting them know you appreciate their views and write-up. Rebloging good contents so others could read also, is an encouraging act of charity. Cheers

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes there were issues, but not that big and can be ignored.

When we talk of people we ourself come within same category.

So just ask yourself what you see when voting for a content
What you comment
And how often

The issue is not people voting differently.

The issue is everyone is and want to be a blogger, and to get votes. Everyone thinks they must get big votes on joining or they would leave blurt.

But they should be audience first, explore what's going on, explore authors, explore communities then share.
So, simply saying there is no promotion. And promotion I don't mean centralized by any from team blurt. But from people, one example is r2cornell project and other is blurtconnect.

So, if we start admiring, exploring and sharing others work, then our work will automatically be shared and we may get votes

The vote for vote term may not sound legit, but it's there.
Just explore,.connect and vote .even if you don't vote just comment and connect with other authors.


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You just explained it all thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@tekraze thanks for always coming through with the right words. I have always believed that slowly and steadily with a beautiful content, one can always get recognition. Thanks.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like the fact that you said the issues here were personal and not general. It is good that we move on and continue to build.

Thanks for using blurt to promote good works and be social.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt has really given most of us a platform to express ourselves and I am immensely grateful.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think the love should be mutual but not to all on the Blurt Africa Link Group on WhatsApp. Like I literally engage with all the links but others just drop and zoom off. At some point I almost stopped or withdraw my account but I chose to keep mute instead for sometime.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's just that African community is more active off chain and we are active on chain( don't count me as i am not active anywhere)

But i think more conversation should happen on blurt so we get to know each others views

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry to hear about that. Blurt is wide and aside the African community we have so many communities and we can’t limit ourselves to just one community. Now that you re here let’s get you connected to other communities. We re one 😍🥰❤️🤬

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I still take my stance that if we interact with people and with quality content while we interact, we shall see results. I think going mute helps no one. Cheers brother.

I joined Steemit originally, had no clue what it was about and basically used it as storage for my first articles. I had no clue about the crypto and didn't even save my 'keys'. I then was introduced to hive with no clue about the fork and was donated an account. It soon became obvious Hive was censoring so I was very happy to move to Blurt, sell all my Hive and invest it here. I don't know how long the no censoring thing will last here as other platforms are dropping like flies to conformity. This may be my last stand so I hope it stays the same.
One thing which would help grow blurt is to end the 'geekiness' and make joining and learning about crypto much simpler. I'm still learning but getting others who are as ignorant as I was a year ago, to join is an uphill struggle. If we don't attract more normies blurt will stay a clique. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing tho. Maybe a clique is the best way to be.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for engaging on this post and your comment is well appreciated. Thanks also for your kind suggestion on what blurt needs to do and hopefully you and everyone of us will enjoy this platform and the good thing about this platform is that it doesn’t have downvote option, isn’t that nice? I am also happy you bought some blurt hopefully you will continue to buy. See you on my next publication 💪🙂

First of all, I would like to say that you have brought an awesome and great idea! I'm somewhat busy that I can't explain what do I love about Blurt and dislike. But I will describe both in the next edition.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for stopping by even in your tight schedule I appreciate you and I am looking forward to the comment thanks my friend!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt I really a wonderful platform to be in, I just love the easy rules on blurt, unlike other platforms, I just pray that it doesn't be like others. One thing I don't understand on blurt I the communities, whenever I try to make a post in a particular pub, it ends up in another. I think it should be adjusted. Another think is the value, blurt value is really going down, I think we should device a means to make blurt grow like other platforms.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What do you mean by it ends up in another? Instead of trying to make a post in a community why not use the community tag as the first one then others for instance if I want to make a post to blurtafrica I will use blurtafrica as my first tag.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow thanks so much, you have just provided solution for me. I will do as you have said.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The blurt platform is a very nice platform to share one's knowledge by creating nice content to earn cool cash. I like it because in every post u make there must be a upvote though very little.
I don't like it because the upvote is usually small after someone has drained his/her brain in writing contents.
Please, give good upvotes to encourage people!

Hello @bestkizito for bringing up this wonderful post, to me despite all the declining in the price of Blurt, it is the Best Blogging Platform where people can easily get voted out of all decentralized platforms
Blurt is easy to manage and no community sentiment is here
To me just write good content vote will come for and also help others vote their contents and you would be helped as well
platform like this all about working together

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You understand blurt quite well thanks for engaging. See you on our next post!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In the short time I have been on Blurt, I must say that so far there is nothing I don't like about Blurt, and there are many things I like, the first is that I can express myself freely here, the second is that I am valued and respected here, there are no stressful and embarrassing downvotes, the people on Blurt write very creative content and both newbies and those with more time are supported.
Thank you for this opportunity to express ourselves freely, I love this kind of post.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Those downvotes really messed with peoples mental health. Sometime ago I was downvoted on steem and they came were so happy doing it. Blurt is not like that. Thanks for engaging please join us next week

I would love to thank @bestkizito for this insight of Tuesday let's talk post.

why I love Blurt is that blurt is the first trusted cryptocurrency platform I met.
And am proud to say it's through blurt I got deep insight into the cryptocurrency world.
Secondly, is because of its social liberty that allows author's to write what's in there mind without any fear of criticism.
Thirdly is because the site is ads free onlike others that are jam-packed with various ads which discomforts users most times.
Moving to the dislikes,
I don't think of any at the moment. But I will study blurt more and maybe share in the next episode.
Thank you!.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am happy to hear about this positive feeback from you and am glad you found out more about crypto through blurt. See you at my next publication

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks @bestkizito
For anyone to understand blurt, you must have passion for creativity, but most time losts of people are discouraged because of the orientation given to them when joining blurt, ( "You get paid for your content") but is not as easy as they say because creativity requires time and passion..
Many people feel discouraged at some point because the upvote doesn't come after making so much effort to write on a topic..

Blurt is passion as I always say, put your expectations in your passion and attract the right people.

Blurt has create a unique platform, the question is how can you explore from this opportunity.

I believe we can win together on Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Passion and patience is very important. Thanks for engaging and those encouraging words. See you on my next publication.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you Sir

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I joined blurt January 2022, I had the vibe to be active but unfortunately one of my post was Plagiarized and since then no support or reasonable votes which really made to give up, but coming across this content, I know my hopes has been revived, and I will keep posting Content.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So sorry to hear about this. Kindly reach me via dm on discord or WhatsApp and I will tell you what to do it to avoid plagiarism. Nobody likes to support users who do that. Everyday presents us with new opportunities and I am happy your hope is revived. Connect with as much persons as possible including me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like everything about blurt that's why I channel my energy here! I just dislike how the coin de fall and how some whales are attacking each other!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sometimes tokens go down but one thing is certain they rise. Buy now that you can afford and thank me later. Last year this time blurt was not upto this remember ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ok I will buy more. Just that I can't verify myself on probit because of id card

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well, i come again...I love blurt, but since my stay here I have noticed something, we keep saying blurt is one family but my country men on blurt here are not really united. please, am saying my mind and what i obsevered..you can prove me wrong but alot of nigerians can testify..if we are united and not running personnal race I think more Nigerians would flow in, and those here wont complain much....
Regards to all top Nigerian personnels and communities.
I come in peace.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You can come hundred times and I will reply your comment. Can we unite as one family and not limit it only to Nigerians? Let me give you a free secret 🤫 don’t tell anyone please 😊🙂 try to comment on posts everyday and make yourself known to everyone on blurt and not just Nigerians. Do this and thank me later 😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

First of all, I don’t rush to point out my view when the scene is busy but I hope they get to see this too.

There are only 2 things in my mind one is my like and the other is my dislike. I don’t know if someone else has posted it here but here they are:

  1. I like the fact that blurt is a decentralized blogging platform that rewards people to create content.

  2. I don’t like that fact that blurt is not getting the kind of promotion it deserves.

I’ll make a more detailed post about this but you all should think about it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your comment and engagement. We will all promote blurt in the best way we can. Let’s promote blurt and we re open to ideas as well

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ever since I joined up on blurt I've been enjoying my stay and I can say compared to other platforms it's here that I've come to make posts that are actually related to me I couldn't do that on other platforms as most people weren't really interested in hearing your point of view except there was something to gain from it.

The only issue I've had so far is the disagreement that have come up between top accounts which I believe could have been averted, as we can see presently blurt price is very low due to people leaving blurt.

But so far I think I've got the most support here than on any other platform and it has cemented it's place in my heart.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to voice out our minds

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your comment. Blurt is a place to stay and unlike other platforms you re aware blurt doesn’t have a flag option which makes it more unique. Fights were going on on steem and hive, some persons left but those platforms didn’t die. Blurt will continue to strive. See you on my next publication

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
Wow alot of wonderful comment from everyone, thank you @bestkizito for coming up with such beautiful idea to give everyone a platform to air out their opinions.

I love blurt community well first of all I love blurt for just blurt a place you can come around and enjoy yourself by reading people's content and lifestyle.

  • I love the fact that blurt is a decentralized platform that reward it's users for creating valuable Contents.

  • I love blurt because it specialize on their own token, there are other decentralized platform but someone of them are not proud to show off their token but blurt even though it's a bit low now they are proud to show it off and see to the betterment of the token.

  • Blurt is friendly especially to beginners, it's quite easy to understand how the system works and make friends easily.

  • Blurt allows creative like there is no limit in this platform you can explore and bring out the best in you and blurt will appreciate it.

Well I don't have any dislike 😜 but it was fun airing out my opinion.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your wonderful feeback on let’s talk. Yes blurt is super friendly, no downvote option. See you again on Tuesday
Thank you

As my friend cum brother @tekraze invite me to join blurt. Around 6 months i'm on blurt platform. The blurt platform is very best great or say nice platform to share one's knowledge to other or gain from other's. I saw a lot of posts of tech a lot of posts of designing, nature, food etc. Blurt is not just a platform blurt is family. We connected with people's here they are our family. We see what's going in everyone life. Some people's shares their daily life routine. I love all this. Special thanks to my brother @tekraze for inviting me to this platform i feel good there.

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you and welcome my friend. @tekraze is a good man

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sharing your view my friend.

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like the freedom and the good atmosphere in Blurt. It's sincere, if you don't like it you go on or you express it. Also the support, there are no publications at zero, it's worth the effort. I don't like the mobile interface so much, it's a bit cumbersome to use.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Keep using blurt and you will fall in love with it more. Blurt is for everyone and it is a friendly place.

I actually love how simple it is to use and I absolutely love the community this is by far my favourite community I’ve come across on the Blockchain. Everyone I’ve met is supportive and mostly into similar things to me. It’s probably the most proactive and least auto voting, circle voting, so far. Obviously I like the no downvotes the absolute best..I wish more people would come over here.

What I dislike is the same as I dislike to another Blockchain platforms I don’t personally like the community aspect of different countries supporting their own country I would rather see everyone seen each other as one and interacting with one another.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately that’s how humans are and it shouldn’t be so. I hope you make the difference and support those who re not from your country as well. Many communities will learn from you. Thanks for engaging on let’s talk, see you at my next publication

I’ve always added people from everywhere I don’t mind local tags for meet-ups but otherwise I try not to use them

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice feedback and compliments about blurt. Thank you so much and more persons will be here on blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

At first I didn't get the topic so I pour out my suggestion about helping the value of Blurt...

Now to the topic of discussion, what do I like and dislike about blurt?

I like the fact that the community members have listening ear, whenever I don't understand anything I do go to them to ask for help and @chibuzorwisdom alway make sure he explained things to me.

I dislike the fact that some users will post shit and be getting upvotes, even large upvote than those that post orginal contents.

I'm a student and I joined Blurt with the aim to share my school lifestyle and activities..but sometimes I don't get support and it not really encouraging....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like the fact that you intend to buy blurt and power up and keep growing and helping the price stay up. Also @Chibuzorwisdom is a great guy and hard working as well. Understand also that these votes re controlled by humans and you can’t predict humans 100%. What I want you to do now is keep powering up and posting even if you don’t see the result now as time goes many persons will know you and you will gain the needed recognition and massive support will come your way as well. If the big votes don’t come try and become that big account that gives big votes. How about this?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, they are controlled by the human... I know with time I'll also get the recognition...

If the big votes don’t come try and become that big account that gives big votes. How about this?

This will require a lot of money, and you no I'm a student... I only have small amount of BTC and planed to buy blurt and help push the value In my own little way...but who knows what the future holds, I've some couples of coins that I bought when the value was very low it might boom and go up and I see big money, trust me I'll definitely invest part of it in blurt.. I love blurt so much

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wish you all the best and surely you will get there. Just time!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Recently we have seen the value of blurt dropped drastically, I'm a newbie and I don't really understand the reason behind the fall in price of blurt even Bitcoin the father of all cryptocurrency didn't fall that way..

Few days ago I saw @kamranrkploy power up contest which aim to reward people that buy blurt and power up.. I've bought some btc and transfer to my probit account to buy blurt and power up.

If contest like this can be organized everyday, I think it will help the price of blurt to go up

The price as been increased thanks to @saboin and @tekraze who sponsor the rewards..

Let us work together and push the price of Blurt up

make sure to take part in the contest. I will be bringing it every week.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah...but I have some questions

  • Is it one entry per week

  • The winner will be determined by what and what?

I also have a suggestion; make a special tag for this so big users can support those that buy blurt and power with upvotes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think that is what everyone needs to do, buy blurt and power up. I am glad you re doing that! Thanks for engaging

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the support, I'm sure we can all push the value of our beloved community up..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good vibes and I wish you all the best dear Keisha

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just see this as buying a dip. If tokens only increase then how will new users enter.
Just see this an opportunity to own more blurt .

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes ....that's what i see, the opportunity to bag more

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Let's be honest, is blurt interested in voting original contents or more conscious of the pictures? How many of these users take out time to read before up voting?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

First blurt is not just small group, blurt is all people. Yes everyone expect to get vote from whales, but not everyone can. There is 10k+ daily users creating posts daily, so sometimes its not possible to vote everyone.
One should not depend on the whales or anyone, but they should focus on creating nice content.

But creating content is not only enough, because that is what others will do.
So, we need to be checking out others content, and interact with them.
So mutual interaction of all is what will make the platform grow and remove dependency.

At last blurt is not the paltform but the people who post, who curate and who invest.


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That depends on individual differences. People re different and you can understand that in behavior as well. What you may like I may not like. I don’t vote some posts when am using r2cornell’s account because the post doesn’t reach the criteria for voting on r2cornell’s account.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think blurt is interested in original content and not pictures. I believe strongly that after posting your stuff, one can always engage in the post pf others and when you contribute meaningfully to discussion, people get to be interested in your content. Slowly and steadily you grow you friends zone. Its a gradual process, let's keep it real. Cheers!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I love blurt as a platform, it gives people the opportunity to express themselves in genuine article, the Wales on blurt are also of big heart, this is what make me stay on blurt, there will always be one or two upvote on your post to make you smile. One major thing I dislike on blurt is the fact that only very few people are upvoting post, a good percentage of the members will only write post and expect upvote without giving upvote to other post, maybe because of the little blurt charge as fee, but this is not a good social value. Also blurt should try to decentralized the blockchain by giving rooms for creation of community like steem.

In my own niche, someone is always ready to help and that's what I like about this blurt community. If there's any problem then I dont really Know about it.it should be personal or so

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your engagement on the topic likes/and dislikes for blurt.

Hello @bestkizito
Thank you for sharing such great content!
We are happy you posted in #blurtconnectBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you @bestkizito for coming up with this idea...first of all, i would like to thank the blurt team and everyone making blurt so interesting and fun everyday. for me, ever since i found blurt, am just so happy with myself, so, vote or no vote am happy am here now, is just a matter of time i will get to the top.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My dear @bam-bi never settle for less. In as much as you are happy here, let us feel your vibes too. Personal when I get to read beautiful content, no matter how little it may be, it makes my day. So make it count and boom the family is complete. Cheers!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you @faeren

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Pleasure is all mine @bam-bi.
By the way i love your username 🥰😅.
Cheers to the future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

wowwww.....thanks alot

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good vibes Bambi. Thanks for the kind words. See you on my next publication. I like the energy and surely I will see you at the top!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I had a problem with the Blurt subscription process and the person who invited me here created my account. This is why I joined a little late. It made him feel like Blurt didn't need new people and was inexperienced, but it wasn't!
Maybe it is a problem caused by me, but I did not like the difficult membership process.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are multiple ways to sign up, but for new members it cost 3$ which is a standard to avoid spam accounts creation .

also one existing person on blurt can create a new account using his tokens which is less than 3$

And at last you can ask in discord to get a new account.

It's not like we do not need new accounts,.we need new accounts but if they really are there to interact with people and not just cross posting.


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, I've heard about all this after joining here.

Already dear @clixmoney, who invited me here and created my account, took care of this whole process and after.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are about to raise the Price with VKRW, do you want to help get everyone started?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks your comment. Can you chat me on discord? Thanks in anticipation

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I need to make an account, I will soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Share this around

Tokenomics of VKRW

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are looking for Devs to work on the UI for this if you know any

Hello dear @bestkizito
Your post has been manually upvoted by @henryglowz

You can use our tag #blurtainment to get your future posts seen

Vote our founder @nabeeel as your witness, link below
VOTE for Witness




  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I kindly request you to extend this kind gesture to the comments on this post thanks in anticipation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As a newbie on blurt I dislike the fact that I hardly receive support, even after using the correct tags, no one cares... Thank God for @ctime. Let have a unique tag to help the newbies

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are right about this, but you just need to keep pushing... I'm not on blurt for the money. I just wanna share my lifestyle and daily activities... Just don't give up

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations to @tekraze for your wonderful contribution on this week’s Let’s talk post, you answered 90% questions in the comment section and you have won 20 blurt. Thanks for your assistance

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub

Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus

c362c2cf8c19fc34a19e29e5a2db7acb60e3b4b3 (1).jpg

Follow @techclub for more updates and use tag #techclub for tagging content

you can also delegate to @techclub to support curation

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Let's do this

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, your post has been upvoted by @blurttribe.

Curated manually by @obikay

:::Discord :::Whatsapp:::Twitter :::

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you @obikay can you please extend the gesture to comments on this post? Thanks

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you want to be added(mentioned) among those who will assist with comments voting kindly let me know. Let’s go! 🤬🙂

We’re open for this 😇

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You can also promote your contest posts in the comments section.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

congratulations to Fr. @faeren for winning 20 blurt because of his wonderful comment

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What I like best about Blurt is quickly explained.

  • No downvotes
  • the friendly, helpful interaction on the platform
  • the hierarchy is very flat and the creators have an open ear for the users
  • no fast big changes, well planned forks
  • that you can exchange in the discord with everyone, really with everyone. Whether it is now @megadrive or @jacobgadikian.

Greetings Michael

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for your feedback, we appreciate you and your kind and encouraging words. Kind head to another post so we can discuss this weeks topic https://blurt.blog/blurtdevelopment/@bestkizito/let-us-talk-what-has-blurt-done-for-you-what-have-you-done-for-blurt

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
