What do you want to learn in 2022 if you are in Computer Science Industry

in blurtdev •  3 years ago 


Hi all, Wish all of you a very happy New year. Hope you are ready for this year for new surprises, hope you have set your goals already for this year. If you are planning for jumping into Computer Science or if already you are in computer science but wants to learn new things, Then a surprise for you, I am planning to write about series of articles on some of the topic. What would you love to learn first can you please comment.

  1. About Linux.
  2. About Some Programming Language: Python/ Golang/ JS etc.
  3. Some Framework like Django, Nest JS etc.
  4. About Kubernetes.
  5. How to map Real World Problem into Software.
  6. Algorithms
  7. Blockchain
  8. Machine Learning
  9. Any Other (Please mention its name in the comments)

What are you planning to learn, I will be writing in depth articles over the most desirable item from the comment list?

Image Credits: https://medium.com/@KamilLelonek
Source: https://blog.lelonek.me/when-do-developers-learn-new-things-6f46327ad494

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Hello Sir, I want to learn all this one by one. Sir please also add graphics and UI.

I can write about others but (@tekraze and me) Graphics / UI was expecting from you (including tools and technique).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm interested in learning Machine Learning/AI.

Ah Okay, I can plan this on weekly basis.(It will be kind of explore and write journey for me.)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cool. Looking forward to it. Particularly, if it can be applied as a tool for Blurt in detecting plagiarized or low value posts.

Oh Okay, So it is more accurately NLP.