Feature Request for Blurt

in blurtdev •  2 years ago  (edited)


Blurt is providing a great platform to speak and share knowledge, i know it is an emerging platform and has receiving various contribution actively by many developers but i feel there are some missing features that may aid user some sort of simplicity.


1. Tag Autocomplete/ Suggestion Feature

Tags plays a vital role in getting your content available to right audience, but the newcomer needs to be aware of tag or they need to visit the ta list page to understand which tag to use. How about having Tag filled based on region or context of post(suggestion), or showing matching tag during typing. Similarly Autopopulating summary feature could be implemented
A codepen related to feature https://codepen.io/curthusting/pen/FLhpE

2. Key bindings in Editor

During editing there should be shortcut to do selected text bold (like ctrl + b ) or italic etc.

3. Link to See all upvotes.

When the upvote count reaches to a certain number it show total number of upvotes but you may want to see only all of the upvotes, how about having a link that let you view only all the upvotes(instead of showing ... and x more).

4. Blurt Night Mode

Currently when you are writing a post the editor in the night mode still seems to be white, it should be also made dark when night mode is turned on.

5. Preview Cover Image

When you select a cover Image the image should be visible at the top of the post as cover image to have a better preview

6. Profile Header should have a little blur effect

Currently If user has created a cover image which hide the info of his profile .
Screenshot from 2022-01-18 19-12-53.png
I am not sure how the info is being is displayed over a cover image of white background. Just a Personal edit, having a blur effect may help information to read properly

Note: As backend may involve Hard Fork, still writing them down and suggesting a UI Based alternative for one feature.


1. Ability to save multiple draft post.

Currently Blurt allow you to save a single draft post. It is visible to you as you move back to editor. But user may want to write multiple post and save it as draft , due to lack of ideas or any other reason.
Alternative Way: Writing Multiple Draft to User Browser Storage.

2. Collection of Series of Post.

There should be collection or group post for eg a series of tutorial, which may help to curate the Blurt Devlog for updates content as well in a better way, and can be represented as a single url to the series.

3. Comment should not be considered as Posts

If you see the Posts count it is cumulative of 10.
But the total post written by me is only 4.


Looks like the comment on blurts are also considered as post, but it should not be considered as Post.

What do you think about these changes?
Cover Image Source: Printing News

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Thanks for your post on Blurt, unfortunately you are using a wrong TAG. The #blurtgerman is only for the German contributions and so you will not get any votes from the German area. Unfortunately, there is not a word of German in your post. Please use another TAG to increase your reach. Maybe this post can help you.


Sorry, I made a mistake, thank you for pointing it out.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am seeing this late, but some of the features, I can and will add the fix for. Not all though.
And some feature requests you may see, in alternative frontends soon

Posted from https://blurtblog.tekraze.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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