The Hemp Industry in Texas

in blurtdallas •  last year  (edited)

I am Writing this because of the Atmosphere of Religious Discrimination that has become part of the Discussion in Dallas. There seems to be some Argument that Hemp Derivatives are Illegal, or K2. This is not the Case. K2 Started in Head Shops and was Sold as Incense, Potpourri and Bathsalts. The Industry behind this, supporting it, is a Vast Network of Asian Superlabs. It first Started with JWH-018 which was made at Brown University I think it was, by John W. Hoffman, and it had no real Negative Effects, this is the Pollen and things that were being Sold at one Time, and that is not what Delta 8, or THC-O and these other things are.

Now, there is no longer an Availability of K2 over the Counter, it has been taken off the Shelves and there is now a Hemp Industry in Texas. Colorado had a MMJ Industry and then a Recreational Marijuana Industry, Texas has a Hemp Industry. Everyone has a Jar of CBD, it’s Normal and everyone already bought one, the Farmers are still Growing, Paying Taxes, doing everything they were asked to do, and they are looking for ways to Sell their Products. Texas is a State that knew about Bubblehash, but was still Smoking Reggie and Corn long after Hydroponics and the Sensimilla concept. Texas had no Real Tech, it was Redneck Tech, YouTube Videos labeled “Redneck Hashmaking” and the Tech was like Engine Repair, or Stress Tech for Outdoors and things. Colorado and California were doing a lot, and then I brought in the Perfumery concepts and this has been going on for a little while now.

This is now the Texas Hemp Industry, this is not to be compared to Meth Dealing or Crack Dealing, or even Marijuana Sales. There was already an issue in Colorado whereby they did not recognize their Own Constitution saying “Unless the Context Otherwise Requires”, to thereby accept Religious use. They did not argue this next part on the State Level, but they did arrest Burke who inherited a Church and started a GoFundMe to Revitalize it. He was arrested for Air Quality Violations for having a kind of Outdoor Smokeout, and they labeled his Practices Potlucks. He was thereby called a Club, and was like anyone operating with Liquor for the Club Members, but Recreational Marijuana. This was done on the Basis that Elevationism requires no Marijuana use, allows any Drug to be used for the same Purpose, and that is “To Elevate”. The issue with the State being that they probably would acknowledge the Club, but wanted to tell me I had to be a Dispensary, I could not grow for a Congregation, this still needs to be discussed in Court and is part of the Federal Litigations regarding the Religious use of Marijuana.

Texas on the other hand has taken a Position, not openly but between the AG, and the Secretary of State accepting the AG’s Opinion, that you must have Land to be a Church, which is False. Texas is a State where Religion is Protected, and there are not supposed to be Problems between the Religions and the State, but it seems that in the Case of Marijuana, or now Hemp in Place of Marijuana as per RFRA “Narrowly Tailored Restrictions” and “Compelling Governmental Interest”. This is becoming a Problem because of Religious use, but it is being allowed to affect the Psyche and Pocketbooks of the Hemp Industry. There is no need for the State of Texas to act like this, in Fact we should be seeing an Entirely new Field of Extremely Strong Cannabinoids, and the Delta 8 Variety should be what the Government supports, over Delta 9, over anything else. Because of the Ability to Dose, and how it Naturally starts with People Vaping a few Times a Day and being able to do everything the Same, to then being an Entire Field of things that need to be Recorded, and Studied. There is not a kind of Movement against Marijuana, or Hemp, anywhere in the World, this is a very intentional happening.


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