Cub Finance Hacked. Pull Out Your Liquidity ASAP

in blurtcrypto •  3 years ago 

As a harbinger of bad news, it always feels bad to me to break such heart-breaking breaking news. But I need to alert you all on this immediately.

Cub Finance, the most acclaimed DeFi project of Leo Finance just got hacked

As soon as Cub Finance's surpassed the sweet spot of $20 million in TVL, it caught the attention of some greedy hackers.

The hacking is under process and funds are rapidly being siphoned off the Cub Finance and out of the BSC chain. Many wallets are already empty:


If you hold any funds in their smart contract, get them out of there as fast as you can!

Other forks of PancakeSawp project like Thunder Swap, Hyper Jump, Zebra Swap, Dinosaur Finance, Ape DEX etc. also got affected with this hack. Prima facie, it looks like hackers got hold of some vulnerability in PancakeSwap forks. However, Pancake Swap seems to have fixed the bug after one of its initial audit, so it's safe this time.

There are also rumours suggesting that Leo Finance founder Khal decided to rug pull. It seems $20M was too much for him to ignore and he finally pulled the trigger. However, when I tried to get in touch with Mr. Cryptopie, he was not available for a confirmation.

So we don't know if this was a hack or a rug pull. But sources indicate that even if it was a rug pull, it's not an exit scam. So Leo Finance holders need not worry. Khal will still be there after this rug pull in the hope to gain from this experience and do it better next time!

Another reason for this havoc could be the news from Defi Governance. Cub's DeFi Governance has just declared all cubs as vermin. They were under pressure as Cubs were recently confirmed as a source of the new Covid-21 virus. Hence it executed a shoot-at-sight order for all cubs. So cubs are no more safe except if they are in their Den.

Thus Den holders need not worry from this incidence. Their CUBs are safe

But when cubs are scared they may run for their life.

Everyone knows the running speed of tigers. But do you know how fast can cubs run?
Well, whatever! But you need to run faster than that.

Important Disclosure:

This is an attempt to play an innocent April Fools' prank.
Happy April Fools' Day to you all! 😂

Always confirm the authenticity of any news before you act upon it.

Keep hodling CUB!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My Cubs seem to have escaped from the Den. Someone spotted them in the Polkadot Farm but we haven't been able to lure them back to the Den. Stay tuned.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hay brother from where to get the link of polka dot farm?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No idea... it was just a joke.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a shit show , more and more hacking will occur, shame