Will You Buy Something (NFT) You Don't See?

in blurtcrypto •  4 years ago 

We Are In Crypto, Something We Can't See

well we are all in crypto and the basic things in the cryptocurrency and blockchain are things we can't see and hold into existent. But here we are, in a Billion Dollar Industry with a lot of other ecosystem which build and grow around something we don't see.

NFTs Makes New Investor Strikes Big Prize

In last post I mention how Metakovan, a pseudonym buyer bought an NFT for a whooping 69 Million Dolar, making the artist, Beeple an instant Millionaire.

But it seems a New investor also manage to get a good amount of profit by buying Beeple NFTs. Edward Fairchild revealed how he manage to buy a Beeple NFT for $969 and now it has increased its value for more the 30.000% for a short periods of times.

It might brings more people into the NFTs world. What else can allure people then getting rich quick? Now He has listed his NFT Nifty Gateway for 1.6 Millions Dollar, an single investment which will make him 1.5 millions richer.

infected culture

LIL MOON ROCKET, Will it Bring You to The Moon?

Apparently there is a NFTs sale held by someone called Little Moon in the Binance Smart Chain or BSC. In the sale which will ended on tuesday, there will be a total of 13337 Collectible Vector pop art Rocket NFTs.

What's unique is that you don't know which NFTs you are getting or how it looks until the revelation day which schedule to be done on Tuesday.

Another things is that they are having their native token of $NYR which can be use to rename the acquired NFTs on the revelation day.
Will you buy something you can't see yet, and put the money on it? If you have a deep pocket its maybe another toy to try.


News Source:
BSC News

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