Netbox.Global: Get Paid to Surf!! Can Netbox Beat Brave?

in blurtcrypto •  4 years ago 

Its A Decentralized Browser

If you wondering what is Netbox when you heard it first time, well that happen to me also. I Found out later that it is a Decentralized Browser which will rewards you with your time browsing with it.

Well I thought that it will be more like a copy of Brave Browser. But when I read more I found that its similar because both are web browser based on blockchain and related to crypto.

The Differences Between Brave and Netbox

There are several difference between Brave and Netbox. While Brave are just blockchain based digital platform to reward its user based on the attention they get, while providing the best ads target for the advertiser. They reward the user with BAT token, which given by vieweng ads provided with the browser, which then used to tip their most like publisher.

While Netbox is basically a decentralized browser with integrated blockchain node of Netbox blockhain. They also have their own wallet on the browser not like brave where you need to integrate it into Uphold wallet. Netbox rewards its user by usage of its browser, not by ads they view.

Lets Get to Know More About Netbox

I decided to give it a try. Eventough I love to use Brave Browser, sometimes it just too heavy for my old laptop, and it load so slow. I am not that optimistic either of Netbox, because by using it, the browser will become a node, and it might also be slower. lol

downloading the installations

The Netbox chain are based on PIVX open source code. Its is a POS and Masternode chain, you can also get a reward for staking some NBX in your in-browser wallet, or run a masternode for bigger reward.

netbox reward distribution.png

reward distribution

Just Simple Sign Up

After the installations complete, you need to sign up using your email, and then make your own password. Just like how to use google for the first time.

sign up.png

They will send you a confirmation email to the email you use for signing up. After verifying the email, you can log in into the account. Then you will be directed to make a wallet, just like usual, you have to save the pneumonic phrase to access you wallet. DON'T EVER LOSE IT, or you can't get you rewards if you forget.

You Need to Sync Up the wallet

After completing all the step for the wallet, then come the longest part of it. AS I said because it is a blockchain node, so we ahev to wait for the wallet to sync up and get all the data from the blockchain which means its the block as far as 2019. hahahah

netbox sync.png

While waiting for it to sync up, i look at the market data of NBX through Coinmatketcap. And the moment it is traded at $0.035 with alltime high at 0.061 which was a year ago. So how do you think, can it beat Brave with its BAT?

nbx CMC.png

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