Can Blockchain Ends Corruption?

in blurtcrypto •  3 years ago 

The Transparent of Blockchain Vs The Dark Evil Of Corruption

The invention of the blockhain shed a bit of light for me toward the fight against corruption. The Decentralized and transparent nature of blockhain should be able to shine those dark practices of the corruption. Because everything that was done are being stored securely, no one can alter the data which store without the permission in the entire network.

We all know how bad the corruption can destroy the life of a nation. Since the power which was supposed to be used to develop and bring all of citizen in those country above the poverty level misused into some of the politician personal wealth gain through the evil way of corruption.



But then another question will emerge, who will control all those distributed data ledger? Will it be controlled by the government entity or it will be open for all the people trough out the nation to secure and to supervise all the transaction done in all aspect of the government work.

Indonesia as one of the corrupt nation in the world seems to be a good place to implement fight against the corruption using blockchain. The corruption in Indonesia seems to be already in every aspect of the life, and has been infected almost of the level in government entity. With all of the natural resources across the archipelago Indonesia should already among the develop country, but now we are still struggling hard just to lift most of the citizen above the poverty line.

There are several aspect that can also be improved using blockchain in order to improve the level or service done by the government and also the way to fight the corruption.



First of all, as I have mention above with blockchain all of the transaction made by the government entity can be transparent and secure, and none can alter the data by themselves. Thus making it harder for the government official to play dirty in the governmental tender.

Then come the traceability of the transaction by just a click of a button. With that feature making it hard for the officials to hide the big money earned with corruption because we can all see where the money are from and where does it goes. At least it will limit the chance for the government official to play dirty on the large public project or getting a kickback from the contractor in any public work contract. because the data will be open and easily accessible for the public to see and to supervise.

There are also still other things that can be done with the help of blockchain, including the development of the central bank digital currencies. Eventough the digital currencies are also still hold a lot of controversies, because it might be all centralized and only benefited the big corporation, but at least it all be open for public.



But then there will be a big resistant from all the politician and all of the bad government officials. Because they will not just dig their own grave by implementing the blockchain technology that fast. Not just it will eliminate the chance to get easy and free money, but also making them an easy target for the police to trace them and open their corruption scandals.

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