'Plant trees, save the environment'. There is no comparison of trees in creating a favorable environment for human survival

in blurtconnect •  3 years ago 

Hey I will discuss about trees. Actually Trees do us a lot of good. The importance of trees are very much. So Today We will know about benefits of trees. How and why trees benefits us? Why we should love trees?



Plants are our best friend. Our life on earth is useless without plants. Plants on the one hand enhance the beauty of the cosmos, on the other hand maintain the balance of nature. Where there is more vegetation and forest, there is good rainfall. As a result, the amount of water in the land increases, cultivation and crops are better. Plants increase soil fertility, prevent soil erosion and help prevent storms and floods. There is no substitute for plants to protect our environment.

Plants for life:
Our death is inevitable if we cannot breathe in the air. We live with oxygen from the air. When we breathe in, we release toxic gases called carbon dioxide into the air. Plants, on the other hand, absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen into the air. If there were no plants, the oxygen in the air would be completely depleted. And we would fall into the lap of death. So plants are vital for our life.


Plants in daily life:
Friendly plants help us in many ways in our daily life. From plants we get various fruits, vegetables, food grains, sugar, nuts and oil. Apart from this we get mango, blackberry, jackfruit, banana, guava, litchi, quince, plum, jamrul, papaya, white, apple, pear, mango etc. from the plants. The spices we use in our daily cooking are also from pie plants. Pepper, black cumin, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, coriander, bay leaf, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper — these are the spices we get from plants. We also get delicious drinks like tea, coffee, cocoa etc. from plants. Coconut, date juice etc. also contributes to the plant.

Different uses of plants:
Plants have been used in many different ways in our lives. Wood is our essential forest resource. Wood is used to make many kinds of things starting from chairs, tables, cupboards to matching sticks. And this wood we get from plants. The wood of mahogany, teak, shawl, roar etc. is used for various kinds of wood work including our furniture. I get rubber from rubber tree and camphor from camphor tree. Cotton and jute are well known fiber producing trees. Plants are also useful in making paper rayon, plywood, plastic, turpentine, coal, wax, paint, glue etc.

Medicinal plants:
There are some plants in our environment that we call herbs. Their herbs, bark, or roots are used in medicine. Cinchona is used to make quinine, a malaria drug. Plants like Kalomegh, Nayantara, Asamalta, Shwetachandan etc. have medicinal properties.


Beauty plants:
There is no pair of trees in the decoration of the house or in the composition of the garden. Chrysanthemum, Zinnia, Ganda, Dopati, Champa, Korbi, Kanthalichampa, Jaba, Rajnigandha, Rose, Jasmine etc. Flowers and various kinds of orchids and deciduous trees beautify the environment. Some trees are also famous for their beauty and fragrance. Such as sandalwood.

There is no comparison of trees in creating a favorable environment for human survival. If there were no plants, the environment would become warm. The world would become a desert. Human existence would be endangered. So it is not right to cut down trees and deforest them at will. Initiatives to plant trees everywhere need to be implemented. We will plant trees and help protect the environment by realizing the slogan------

'Plant trees, save the environment'.

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