in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

The true life of every church girl is the one she displays on Instagram/Facebook. The one inside church is actually a pretence.


That pouting with motionless stares and sexually-inviting blinks, with a music at the background that you exhibit is the scripture calls sexual immorality. It doesn't matter if you quote a scripture along with it or play a Gospel song.

The Greek word porneía, often translated by some Bible translations as fornication or adultery captures beyond those words. That word also has a connection with idolatry.
In 1 Corinthians 10 where Paul narrated how three thousand people of the church in the wilderness were killed in one day because of fornication, if you study the Old Testament account of that same event you'd see that it wasn't fornication that Paul was dealing.

He was addressing idolatry. The people indulged in it. They switched their worship to newly found god and cross-mated their souls with it.

So porneía as a word deals with the desecration of the instrument of worship to God. In this case, our body!
The body is not for sexual immorality. Pouting, thrusting out tongue, snapping of back side, revealing the depression between your breasts, blinking of eyes and blowing out kisses is known in scripture as lasciviousness.

These sexually inviting behaviour are reputable with prostitution. It's a sensual behaviour and a manifestation of the sin nature.

It shows that those who behave that way are not yet dead to the sin nature.

What has birthday got to do with 'see-through' and skin-cleaving dresses? Why snapping your buttocks and showing your breasts?

I understand that some so-called church girls are on Instagram and Facebook to market themselves. Now, I'm thinking, what kind of a man can this behaviour of yours attract?

Obviously those looking for sex – the Casanovas and philanderers.

A Christian sister should not be part of every trend on social media. It doesn't matter if it's a church music or a quote from the Bible that she inscribed to such lasciviousness.

We need to remind our Christian sisters that the chasm between the church and the world is still very wide. No one can bring it close. Hence, the Bible cannot be revised to accommodate your misbehaviour.

As a Christian sister, don't be extremely conscious of your sexuality to the point of looking for external social validations that make you feel good about yourself.

That is a fickle sense of poor self-esteem. It stems from the deceitfulness of sin. And it's a flirtatious behaviour.
The other one most of these girls do is throw forward one leg in such a way that a protruding voluptuousness of their curves is portrayed or achieved.

Then after, you start seeing comments from guys screaming like sirens, "Wow," "Hot," "Sexy," etc.

The scripture calls your behaviour lasciviousness because you are exhibiting uncontrolled desire and obsession with sensual pleasures.

Lasciviousness in the Greek is Alsegeia. It means to be driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.

Paul lists it as one of the works of the flesh in his epistle to the Galatians. The works of the flesh actually means the sinful nature of the world.

In other words, these manifestations are supposed to be of those who are not yet born again.

So, if a person who is born again is exhibiting them, it's because of the gripping effect of the sin nature that she is supposed to be dead to.

Beloved sisters, you must always remember that friendship with the world is enmity with God. You must be different from the world.

I commend you to God and to the Word of his grace. Cheers.

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