in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 


Benard alongside his wife and children took cover and lay down flat shivering in fear. Thomas, Benita and Jake were shedding tears as they were so very scared. Susan begged them to keep their mouth shut and consoled them , assuring them that it's gonna be fine.
After about an hour of intense shooting, the gunshots came to a halt. The troops drove pass recklessly and às usual there were ululations as People were hit by stray bullets.
Susan brought out their breakfast and they ate together so as to be strong for the journey ahead. After a short while, they set out to continue their journey as they do not know what would happen next.
Benita and Jake were tired already , Susan and Christiana carried them respectively as they walked. The journey to the next community was left with approximately 2 kilometers. They rested at intervals to drink water due to dehydration the hot sun and trekking has caused.
However, at about 1pm they reached their destination called Onkaio. They were so elated to have reached the park and there were still vehicles in there. Bernard quickly rushed to make enquiries about the transport fare and he discovered that it has skyrocketed. "The safety of my family is worth more than silver and gold", he thought. He pleaded with the driver for a cut of which the driver paid deaf ears urging him to step aside as there were too many passengers in the park.
Bernard agreed to pay the amount, and called his children to hop in as they had limited time due to the fact that nobody knows the next place to be hit by attacks. The driver helped them put their properties in the car and they zoomed off. Thomas and Felix were discussing and reminiscing what they learnt in school before the war. Felix's dream was to be a doctor while Thomas wanted to be a lawyer. Bernard who overhead their conversation reassured then that so long as he is still alive, he would make sure they actualize their dreams.
While they were still on their way, the driver turned on his radio set to listen to news update.
The shocking news was that the borders have been closed and there should be no entry or exit!
This really hit Bernard, what is he gonna do?🤔
Check out Episode three.

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