in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 



The war was getting so intense as both parties got support and help from various international bodies. The secessionists are not giving up as the are fighting with the last drop of their blood while the the federal military are not letting go ad the president has vowed that nothing would ever divide the Federal Republic of Jakapa. Bernard already knows about these postulations but he really needs to secure his family. As they reached the border, it was glaring that the border had been close and no vehicle could pass from one town to another. This particular border was manned by the secessionists military. The only way to pass these borders is by foot and before could be allowed enter he must be able to speak the Western Jakapa's dialect. That wasn't a problem for Bernard and his family as he and his wife took time to reach their children their dialect right from a very tender age. Bernard approached one of the officials and exchanged pleasantries with him in the Western Jakapa's dialect. He even dashed them some amount of money encouraging them in their work. They hailed him and let him and his family cross the border. They also urged him to be careful, vigilant and alert as the enemy (FG militia) are hell bent on destroying the people Western Jakapa. Thomas complained of being hungry likewise Benita and Jake. The official offered to take them to the military camp where they could atleast have something to eat as his wife was preparing a delicious meal. On their arrival to his apartment, the wife came out to exchange pleasantries with her husband and eventually the visitors. His husband did the introduction urging her to make them feel at home. After much discussions and conversations, food was dishes and they all ate to satisfaction before the official answered a call and opted for him to excuse himself as duty calls. He assured everyone that everything is fine that he would be back soon. He picked up his Ak47 automatic rifle and left the house. From his facial expression and disposition, it was clear even to the blind that there is a problem as danger looms. There was a pin drop silence as everyone was pondering in thoughts within themselves and the kids have already slept off. All of a sudden, sounds of explosion rocked nearby and followed by gun shots. Clattering sounds of soldiers picking up their guns and rushing out filled the whole camp as they were screaming "they are here, let's go and kill them". The federal military actually came on a fighter jets with the intention to destroy the military camp. After about 2 hours of intensive explosions and gunshots, the noise seized as the FG military's fighter jet crashed.

There was shouts of jubilation mixed with mournings as so many soldiers lost their lives while others were wounded. The official was one of those who sustained bullet injuries as he was hit in his right arm. Him and others were rushed to the intensive Care unit where they received immediate medical attention. His wife was crying while Mrs. Salvador consoled her urging her to be happy that his husband is very much alive.
The kids were crying too as they woke up from sleep during the combat. Thomas asked his dad , Bernard, "Daddy when is this chaos/war going to end"? His father looked into his eyes and said "my son, soon by the grace of God". "God will soon come to our rescue", he added drawing Thomas into his arms. Thomas said to his dad, "Daddy I want to become a man who will impact positively to the society and make the society s better place to stay". Bernard assured him that he would do everything he could do to ensure he attains such great hieght.

Light Fades!!!
Will these dreams come into fruition?🤔
Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Next up: Episode Four
Thanks for reading.

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