๐Ÿ†˜ URGENT #StopTheTreaty Action ๐Ÿ†˜

in blurtconnect โ€ขย  2 years agoย 

This Wednesday at 5 pm CEST, the World Health Organization will close written submissions for the first public hearing on a first-ever global pandemic treaty.

The autocratic 'World Together' plan to draft a global convention or international instrument can seriously weaken our individual health autonomy and collective health freedom.

If successful, the WHO's power grab will threaten our freedom and our individual inalienable right to self-determination, through a sweeping one-size-fits-all top-down mandate we did not give them.


This agreement has the potential to increase tenfold WHOโ€™s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments, and condone censorship and disinformation on treatments that do work.

We only have 48 hours to tell the WHO to #StopTheTreaty. The next round of comments may happen in June, or it may not.

By requesting public input, the WHO has created a veneer of public participation. Their objective is clear. The WHO isnโ€™t asking IF they should create a sweeping global agreement -- Instead, they're operating as though the agreement is already planned, asking the public what should be included in it, a few days before the sudden hearing.

The WHO isn't expecting significant participation in this process, and likely isn't prepared to listen. But together, we will show them that we, the people, will participate in guiding the future of health and the future of our sovereignty. And we'll be so united and so clear that they'll have no choice but to listen to the will of the people, or confirm conflicts of interest.

That's why we need to provide our voice to this WHO public participation hearing. If the WHO is going to push forward with this agreement, let's tell them what the people want. Let's tell the WHO what a people's treaty should include. Natural law and civil rights pillars like autonomy, transparency, and freedom of choice. And if they don't listen to us, or their funders, we can organize to ensure our governments remain loyal to the people they serve.

Go to this website right now for details on how to submit your 250-word comments to the WHO before the deadline on Wednesday, April 13.


Take a screenshot of your comment before sending it to the WHO (you can't do this after)
Post your comment on social media with the hashtag #StopTheTreaty so that the will of the people is known to all.
Encourage other people to participate by sharing this and other efforts.
We have the power to co-create the future.

Source: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed


I posted about this 'treaty' before but wasn't sure if anything could be done about it. This is worth a try I guess, if nothing more than raising awareness of how health freedoms will be taken away from us dragging all other freedoms with it. This is a treaty that will affect ALL of us under the control of the WHO. If you have any faith in your politicians, send it to them too.
Look what is unfolding in Shanghai right now for how this could all end up in the rest of the world!!!
Good luck fellow blurtlanders.

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ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย  (edited)

I have a bad feeling that as we've witnessed for many years now the public voice will be ignored as the propaganda outlets pretend there is majority support and those not onboard are far right terrorists probably white as well. We all know how those evil white folks are about freedom.


One is a terrorist if one doesn't understand that not complying with the gubmint mandates should result with


See that white supremacist there who dared to defy and mention the racist word of freedom on his sign.

I think nothing will change until so many are fed up that there are to many to make examples out of and even those who are the violent enforcers say screw this. The key is in understanding that the violent enforcers don't live in gated protected communities and live among the rest of us riff raff.

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

Even the hacks at the Washington Pus bleed.

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

I think to events that have been set in motion for last 'x' decades, will need to play out some more yet, before the 'the great reset to sanity' comes back around...

(not to be confused with the wef reset- but i don't think need to tell you that !lol)

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

I lean towards we are in the last stages now. Especially IF people who got the jab do have the major health complications in large numbers. I've been watching for signs of movement towards the Deagle map, and I believe these last two years are a bold move towards its fulfillment.


ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

I lean towards we are in the last stages now.

I agree with you - 100%.

"I don't wanna live in interesting times, goddamn it !"

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

I notice they stopped the mandates for the police in some places, I guess they realised they need the cops to protect them from us. The compliant are all sick and dying tho so it will be only the non compliant left. How will that work out for them?

Posted from https://blurt.live

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

Not as well as it work out for us , hopefully ...

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

It depends on whether the policy officers can be woken up I spose.

Posted from https://blurt.live

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

This is a bad precedent considering the World Health Organization is the exact same organization that was keeping valuable information regarding covid-19's origin and ailments away from the international community on behalf of China until they couldn't keep it a secret any longer. They pushed the pangolin transmission as the main origin of the virus and then was unable to control the narrative once the world realized that there is a biolab in Wuhan, China.

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

The bio lab leak is a story they are more than happy to have us believe actually. Am writing a new blog tomorrow on the ACTUAL source of the illness they called covid and bats and pangolins had NOTHING to do with it.

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ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

yeah, i heard about that, the sneaky fuckers...

On the upside, and echoing the sentiments of max Igan to some extent....this will have to play itself out...
I have zero doubt that 'we' will win in the end.
Nature and physics dictate it to be so.

The timeline ?...I just wish I knew.

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

Well the Chinese have kept it going for decades so not sure about the timeline either.

Posted from https://blurt.live

ย  ยท ย 2 years agoย  ยท ย 

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