RIP Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

Bit of a mouthful of a name so not surprisingly I recognized it straight away when I heard the great woman died yesterday.
Most of you will not have heard of her sadly, but maybe some of you will have heard of the Perth Group?


Everyone's heard of Peter Deusberg and he was just a lowly fence-sitter. This lady jumped right in and told us all the HIV virus was a crock of shoit.

I can't help but feel a tad suspicious too. First they killed off Kary Mullis before abusing his lab tool to convince the world we were all sick. Then David Crowe right at the start of the gobal deadly virus fraud when he was exposing the 'no viruses' angle so well.

Next Montagnier the man who supposedly discovered the HIV virus but was becoming quite vocal about sars NOT being isolated or rather being an imaginary computer virtual virus.

Now this lady who truly exposed the fraud of the hiv virus in exactly the same way as today the covid virus has been exposed. Many of us learned a lot from this lady. This is what she exposed back in the 90's regarding their new deadly virus. Check out the similarities to today!!

1.Failure to prove the existence of a unique, exogenously acquired retrovirus, HIV.
2.Failure to verify the HIV antibody tests proof of HIV infection.
3.Failure to prove HIV causes immune deficiency (destruction of T4 lymphocytes) or AIDS.
The impossibility of haemophiliacs acquiring HIV following factor VIII infusions.
4.Failure to prove the HIV genome, (RNA or DNA) originates in a unique exogenously acquired infectious retroviral particle.
5.Failure to prove HIV/AIDS is infectious, either by blood, blood products or sexual intercourse.
6.Failure to prove what is called AIDS in Africa or Thailand is caused by HIV or is sexually transmitted.
7.That AIDS and all the phenomena inferred as “HIV” are induced by changes in cellular redox brought about by the oxidative nature of substances and exposures common to all the AIDS risk groups and to the cells used in the “culture” and “isolation” of HIV.
8.That AIDS will not spread outside the original risk groups and that cessation of exposure to oxidants and/or use of anti-oxidants will improve the outcome of AIDS patients.
9.That pharmacological data prove AZT cannot kill HIV and AZT is toxic to all cells and may cause AIDS.

If I follow my own suspicions now I'd have to conclude they wanted her gone because they are going to run with their re-run/rehash of AIDS. It's about 40 years after the original showcase so that's a generation. I think they are ready. Are you?

Thankyou for all your hard work Eleni, you're definitely in a better place now.

Further reading:

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Montagnier dead? ah, just last month - was 89.
The field he has been researching recently is far more dangerous to toxic-pharma than any "non-existence" theory - the physical manipulation via EMFs ;-)

Oh that's interesting isn't it. You got any info on that research? I'd love to take a gander.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's even mentioned (mockingly) in Wankipedia - his research on EMF and DNA - yeah, is an interesting rabbit hole ;-)
also leads down a possible mechanism for homeopathy - that farmascum hate with a vengeance.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I still think homeopaths have themselves to blame for dropping the ball - they've had over a century to do proper research. Instead, every homeopath I've met just trots out the same lame "theory". Then they look at me astonished when I tell them that shaking with your hand is a crucial step as it creates an EM field, albeit very weak but even Hahnemann noted that the shaking was important - what he didn't think of was that it wasn't just the shaking action ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

yes good point, naturopaths too completely dropped the ball and believed in the virus.
Having a look at this -
Funny you should mention shaking as I accidentally watched a Qi-Gong demonstration on YT and it included shaking the whole body to 'boost the immune system'. I despair when old tried and tested methodologies try to justify themselves by linking themselves to modern medicine dogma.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am an Osteopath / Naturopath and i have never believed one sec in HIV ... also when they test people in Africa they use different tests than in Europe , the one in Africa is much more sensitive , therefore they find higher amount of HIV people .
They do that for everything , obesity is different in terms of scale in USA or Europe .
Anyway it is all bullcrap and i find it very odd they bring back the HIV now .

Sorry I was obviously generalizing, obviously some naturopaths are better than others. Yes I read how the diagnosis of hiv was always completely different in Africa. Malnutrition and malaria would be an hiv diagnosis there along with all the tested and dodgy vaccines they were pumping into them, that was exposed very early on.
I agree it is very odd and it smacks of desperation too, either that or they really do think we're all stupid. Maybe they're right.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are not all stupid and certainetly not blind .
But most people just dont care about the truth , which is sad ..and deadly .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also dislike linking tested ancient methods with quantum woo and hyperspatial bullshit - it really doesn't help discover the deeper reality - hence I suspect is done on purpose as misdirection.

However, using frequencies to somehow construct a molecule from sympathetic resonance is (or could be) a real and astonishing effect - I haven't tried it ;-) It would also tie in with cold fusion (LENR) and the bizarre phases of water within the highly complex EM fields of biological systems.

The POS who run this world continue to peddle the notion that we are mere machines - while the human-like creatures try their best to prove them correct. A plague on them all ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wasn't there a previous spate of infectious disease doctors finding themselves dead? A few years ago, maybe as many as ten years.

Yes there were about 80 or more 'alternative' practitioners all dying suddenly and mysteriously, mostly outspoken about vaccines. The first one I remember was Andrew Molden and the final one was a friend of mine Sallie Elkordy. We in the anti-vaccine circle were watching it all unfold.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I wasn't an anti-vaxxer yet, but skeptic for sure. Back then, I thought anyone claiming this stuff was nutso. No more.

Yup I was one of those 'nutters' they all complain about. Good thing there is no such thing as an ex-anti-vaxxer but there are plenty of ex pro-vaxxers and more every day. Sadly most only learn after the fact, which is too late in my book.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am an anti-vaxxer. 100% opposed to vaccination. There are probably positive applications for all that technology, but stopping disease is not one of them. False ideal. Can't be done. Should not be attempted. That's Nature's domain.

Couldn't agree more. They're trying to play God and imo failing miserably, or are they mocking.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They know and they mock. Failing to make us well is making them richer and richer.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Really coming apart at the seems...
Reality, it seems ✌️😎🥓👍

Thats what ya get for watching the tellybox

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have no clue what this guy say's in this clip .
It's about the written info on the page .
Can't find any other info anymore ,.. but that plane was not random , it was chosen . R.I.P. Joep Lange and many others .

ha no idea either but I know what the cure for AIDS is. The same one as the cancer cure. Avoid doctors.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Those 100 + Joep probably found some way to neutralize the poison causing AIDS .
And it was not true vaccinating ,... witch they where always already aiming for , a vaccination program for HIV .

But first , climate panic on top of broken economies , war and rumors of war .

Yup I can't get out of my head that horrible clip of gates and her 'wife' smirking about the 'next pandemic' which will really get our attention this time.......

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What this smells like is using wars to break the social distancing protocols and hence manufacture a new pandemic and enforce vaxes. The FU-variant cometh.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

yes just today I saw a piece about 'nurses and midwives' asking for the mask mandates to be brought back in because they can't cope with the hospital admissions. No mention of all the admissions being of vaccinated people tho. Yes it's pretty obvious isn't it.
and this eejit -