My blurt Blog on Fakeologist Again

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

Today I was invited onto the fakeologist show to talk about my blurt blogs again.


Trying to plug blurt AND talk about things like the monkeypox he even looks at my wallet and mentions you @ajerkoff.
Shame I can't embed the video (is anyone ever gonna fix this none embedding issue?) PLEEEEEEEZ
This show goes out on multiple social media channels like telegram, facebook, youtube and others I think so it's being blurted out all over the place.
You also can see my research process in this show as some of it has not been published yet. A work in progress.

Here's the link without embedding COZ IT WON'T so making this look like a low value blurt when actually it's full of good stuff you just can't see it here!
I guess you'll have to click the link

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My advice for those who have their own wordpress based websites:
publish your posts on Blurt, Hive and Steem and don't forget to add links to your blogs. These blockchains have a lot of interfaces, so your blogs can improve their position in search engines.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. This is my blog. I don't consider my wordpress a blog.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's easy. When you run a business and promote a product or something else, blockchains will break out and strengthen the website. It's confirmed and researched ...

But I'm not trying to promote anything.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I hope @newenergygarro looks into this.
Hecka good Promoting 🥓👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


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Please forgive my frankness, but I found that a bit painful! 😆 I only got to the 30 minute mark and had to cut it off. Nothing against you, obviously, I couldn't wait to listen to your insights, but your man behind the mic is a horrible interviewer. I have very little patience for the chit-chat show style. You're a very patient soul! 🙊 But it was nice to connect a voice to your profile, and it was nice to see Blurt being plugged. I'll have to just settle for your written posts for now, or until I can manage to interview you myself, where we can get to the heart of the matter in a flash! 😉

Well to be fair his audience are all clued up already and I did manage to steer him into my research which I wanted to present. Maybe skip the first half hour I pretty much have the floor after that. I'm actually doing a write up of the research I did for the show. I actually wasn't sure this was gonna fly but judging by the many posts about it maybe it will, amazingly. I never cease to be amazed at the gullibility of the general public these days.

Posted from

Oh I wasn't criticizing the presenter, nor the audience! In fact, I admire his ability to manage so much: audio, video, websites and chat. That's not an easy task, and requires good equipment. I was more speaking to the fact that I have so many websites where I do research, plus so many podcasts that I listen to, that I have a low patience for shows that I'm not familiar with, are too long or are chit-chatty. I'll have a listen soon to your part.

I know exactly what you mean. I switch off when they do their own promo stuff right at the beginning of a show, if it goes on for more than 2 minutes I switch off too.

Posted from

Finally got around to listening to another hour of the show. Yes, the to-do list is seriously backed up. I find it hard to imagine how two non-virologists can discuss viruses from opposite sides of the fence. I have to admit, however, that you seem to be more informed than I am on the topic.

I remember in the 90s there was a big fuss over whether HIV really existed. What was being published in various places were "artists' renditions" of the virus. But then Luc Montagnier won the Nobel Prize for having discovered HIV, and the debate ended; at least for me. Later I read and heard several people saying that the SARS-CoV-2 wasn't isolated, or never existed. Again, Luc Montagnier confirmed its existence and added that he recognized alterations that involved HIV.

Now, I ask myself how can an entire field of study be based on something that never existed - viruses? My first answer would be psychiatry; as a field based on something that does not exist - brain chemical imbalances! Then we have vaccinology based on a falsehood - artificially induced immunity!

The problem that I had with those who insisted on seeing a living virus - (not referring to you) - is that often they were not virologists. It's the old I'll believe it when I see it, but said by people who would not even know how to see it, nor would they even be allowed to enter a laboratory without having the necessary training.

I'm going to go back and find those links you shared with me, and add them to the to-do list. 😉 I'm curious to hear the counter-arguments. 🤓

Luc Montagnier didn't isolate the hiv virus. He just claimed Gallo didn't (which he didn't either). I just listened to dr Kevin Corbett and he actually answers some of your questions in it so here ya go
He worked on 'AIDS wards' in the 80's so his views are totally valid. You don't have to be a virologist to know when the science doesn't add up. In the video above he calls us 'citizen scientists' which sums up basically what this is. He also touches on the old 'peer review' 'expert knowledge' paradigm which far from educating doctors etc works rather as a kind of gatekeeping of medical science.
Well worth a listen.

Posted from

That was a very fascinating interview! I really enjoyed it. Corbett has an interesting background and experience. So much of what he shared brought up lots of reminders of what went down with the AIDS fiasco. I was also surprised that Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos challenged the isolation of HIV. That was new to me. But what was said was that she objected to how the method for virus isolation had been altered by Luc and company, so it wasn't a question of no proof of viruses, but rather a challenge to the existence of HIV because of the methods used. Nevertheless, I won't forget this particular piece of history.

Then Dr. Corbett did something that I don't believe helps the argument; and this is something that I have seen plenty of during this false pandemic, and that is, the request for proof of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from entities that would not be able to respond to the request. A COVID-19 testing site is not a virology lab. Nor is a tribunal or any of the so-called health services around the world.

SARS-CoV-2 isolation from the first reported patients in Brazil and establishment of a coordinated task network


SARS-CoV-2 isolation from the first reported patients in Brazil and establishment of a coordinated task network

You are missing the point here. The method they use to 'isolate' viruses is totally bogus. They have used the same method since Enders in the 50's even tho the method does not prove a virus is present at all. This has all been exposed by Stefan Lanka in the German court. You are constantly asking for proof from the horses mouth (virologists) but the horse is a liar. Stefan Lanka was a virologist who wasn't afraid to expose the fraud of the whole industry.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How did I get a mention t/gal? I hope it was in a nice way lol.

a funny one he saw ur donations and made an innuendo, as u do.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have been giving random amounts of delegations for over a week to people I have never even spoken to before, it makes me feel better, had a good ride on here, and I was brought up to share, not hoard. And I give tokens away every week, cos I can.

I did mention the 'practise-run' in my original post about the monkeypox. Thanx will add it to my new blog working on it now for tomorrow.

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