Lanka The EX Virologist Saving The World

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

So it's been a week of working to translate Lanka's latest lecture into an easily readable subtitled video.


The ease of reading was important to me and my editing partner because we want as many people as possible to understand what he has to say.

I simplified and removed as much waffle as I dared and then John decided the sentences needed to be shorter on the screen. Which meant chopping lines up to make the lines of words shorter.

Personally I didn't see the point but this might be a male/female thing who knows so I let him play his shortening game BUT on the proviso that he also makes a video with my script as it was originally. After all it was more work for him. I was done.

So a little competition for you which will also help me out. I'd like to know from you which version is easier on the eyes and the brain. I won't hint which is mine. (actually it's obvious). Just watch a few minutes of each one and pick which one you'd rather watch all the way through.

Then do watch all the way through please.

Let me know which one you chose - 1 or 2.

This is not a clickable link. Why? Coz Blurt still hasn't sorted out embedding anything except video's from censored sites.


I will pay 10 blurt for every genuine answer for this scientific experiment.
50 Blurt for the best answer/reason/critique
You will be educated and I will be helped for future video's (this is only part 1).
So it's a win win.

Thanx for participating

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

this scientific experiment.
you mean which subtitles are better?

The first link gave me a mild headache as the sentences were chopped in the wrong places - they need to be in meaningful clauses.
The 2nd one does the same, but not so much.
These are subs, not lip-synced dubs, so is best the text flows, even if slightly out of sync with the voice.

A work of passion - well done!

He mentions a part 2 - is that another video?
Very necessary talk and POV - only 15 minutes in.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah I had some trouble starting at around 4:30 for a couple sentences with choppiness and grammatical errors. After that it got clearer.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Delivering a lecture without reading a script is always going to be choppy - with bits that when written out need to be structured properly, or just removed, such as all the pauses.

So, unless is an auto-script, such as Goeggel uses on some videos - with all the errors spelled out - then I'd write the subs as meaningful as possible for the reader, coz they may be hearing sounds but are not really listening to the content!

Thankyou for the input. It's my first time doing subs. I agree with your comment on lip-sync. I think that might be the problem. I'll try editing with the sound off next time. That might help. Coz even tho German puts the words in a completely different order I was a bit anal about the words matching the sound.
Great comment, helps a lot.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks. My kid is actually getting work doing voice-overs and even translating subs for animes, so we have some recent experiences of this. Do you faithfully lip-sync or do you make it meaningful for the target language? and can you do both? lol.

I have also seen how these end up being 2 different processes. I've seen some anime dubbed into English, and also with English subs, but the subs are often totally different to the dub!

You can see a word for word (virtually) translation into subs in the other video I showed to owasco. I always anglisize his words and simplify. He uses some very strange language which often doesn't translate plus colloquialisms which I try to change to an English equivalent too. If I did a word for word translation it would be impossible to read or understand for most.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

German has this facility of adding together nouns to create a new noun - and sometimes a new concept - an example might help for what you considered "strange language".
One could take the Bucky Fuller route and do the same thing in English with hyphenated concatenations of strange-word-constructs. And leave the reader to decipher. lol.
I sense he has had to go back to some early research, just to find out where the conceptual errors took place, and therefore may well need a new descriptive language for processes that have been assumed to be one thing, but are actually something else.
This has happened in physics too, where people are mind-blown by the wave-particle duality, when it is just a dilemma created by an assumption that things have to be one or the other, when they are actually both - and neither! The point here is that it was the perfect time for a new word - wavicles - and this wasn't promoted, so we're stuck with "particle physics" when they are not particles at all.

Fantastic explanation. He does mention the complete turnaround of some 'theories' from their original hypothesis yes.
I also like making up new words when nothing else seems to fit. Like my word for 'vegans' that use the label but don't actually know what it means. Hence 'Vaguens'.

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I'm getting part 2 to start working on tomorrow. Not sure how many parts it'll be but he is defo going into gnm so it's gonna be great stuff I'm sure.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Generally, I like more words because then I am not sitting there listening to words I can't understand, waiting for the next subtitle to come up, for quite as long.

But I can't see the difference between these two! And I've gone back and forth between them for a full nine minutes of each.

Really great info in there already - love Socrates' thought that medication is only to ameliorate symptoms long enough to get more work out of the slaves. True even still.

I don't want no stinking prizes for helping you do your valuable work. Thank you for doing this!

Thanx, good to know. Keeping words to a minimum helps for those who can't read as fast or hate subtitles, or even just for understanding sciencey stuff. You being super intelligent that won't make a difference. BUT there is another video out with much more wordy subtitles if you'd like a look? Are ours better than this?,-virology-and-cell-theory:d

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Their intro is better, almost fixes the problems at 4:30 (I still don't understand that bit) up to Virchow. When Lanka is reading from texts, he goes too fast for me to read the subtitles in the counterpropaganda version. Their vocab can be a bit much, such as "impecunious" where "poor" would have done.

I don't understand the business of three as opposed to four tissues at all. Perhaps that is directed at a more super intelligent human than I. Thanks for that compliment btw, but I must poke some fun at it.

I do think your intro needs some cleaning up and simplification, both versions, but it isn't a matter of how many words. I only speak English, like the self-important American I am, and haven't translated anything since high school French class, 50 years ago. I can see from the differences in these three just how tricky translating can be.

I'm up to the bit about Mozart (22 mins) in yours and Counterp's. Will watch more later.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

OK well it's too late for changing it, we are about to start on part 2 and I will be taking all comments into account for the next one. This is a learning curve. Thankyou.
With regards the 4 tissues, they only discovered 3 when the paper he's quoting was written so he tells us we now know there are 4. He will explain more in the next part for sure. He is gonna teach us 'new biology' as discovered by Hamer. I know they have 4 layers of tissues. I'm not sure either how we will explain it, is it like organ tissue is different from say skin tissue and muscle tissue. They are all very different so that's what it's based on.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK - here is works for me - try not to mute me for saying this... lol...

Truth is I mostly don't like watching videos - I can only absorb one thing at a time - and that is three - first I muted it because listening to him talking in German is no help to me at all...

Then I stopped looking at the rest of the video screen and just read the subtitles at the bottom - that helped - but then I found that Odysee was having some kind of lag and the subtitles were blurry

And I realised that what I really want is a transcript so I can just read it...

Sorry, feel free to call me a moronic smurf - it won't be the first time today!

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I don't think that's moronic at all in fact I was only thinking last night about doing a write up of the talk for people like you. I'm sure there are a lot who feel the same. I will probably do that then. First I have to translate part 2.

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