in blurtconnect •  2 years ago  (edited)

Sometimes I do take a look at the mainstream media just to see what they are pushing and the 'juicy' stuff is never on the front page but tucked away amongst the dross.

Today I spotted this little nugget which most people would scroll by if they didn't know the history.


So what's the big deal you might say. Pfizer have produced a cure to the common cold?
They've brought out a legit drug to counter the HCQ camp?
The 2nd one is closer to the truth and probably why they came down so heavy on doctors who touted HCQ as a cure-all. Even tho it was nonsense it threatened their future profits and now here is the roll out of that protected asset.

How many people would bother to look up exactly what this new drug is and where it came from? I did.

First shocking fact which is plainly stated in the patient blurb, which no-one ever really looks at, is that it comes under the EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION scheme (or scam should I say).

(screenshot from

This statement in the patient blurb does not line up with the headline either. It states it is to be used for mild-to-moderate 'cases' who are at risk of being hospitalized. The headline states it is to be given to in-patients.
"Inpatient care is the care of patients whose condition requires admission to a hospital." So they are planning to give it to people already IN hospital.

Why do they have to bring it out under the EU scheme? Hmmmm maybe because it is as toxic as the jabs were and they don't want to reveal that by doing the test trials?

Note the words - 'investigational drug' and 'limited information about the safety and effectiveness' bit.

This is not a new drug either it is a combination of two separate older drugs in one package. Namely 'ritonavir' which is an old HIV drug -

(screenshot from wikipedia page

The other pill in the packet is 'ritonavir' and surprise surprise it is ALSO an old HIV drug -


So as well as trying to sell the public the jabs cause VAIDS they want to sneak in under the radar AIDS drugs to treat people who are not even sick but have a positive PCR test, which is exactly how they marketed HIV in the first place!!

Have you joined the dots yet? Do I need to spell it all out for you?

These are all 'anti-viral drugs' which sprung from the AIDS industry. The original anti-viral was AZT. AZT was originally an experimental chemo'therapy' drug for cancer but it was even too toxic for them and was dropped.

So these drugs are literally 'chemotherapy' for people who are not sick but definitely WILL be sick if they take them. How sick is that!
Isn't it common knowledge now that chemo'therapy' gives you cancer?

They tried the same ruse with the swine-flu scam and we got Tamiflu which made the people stupid enough to take it very sick too.

I hope people will start to look a bit more closely at what doctors are handing out like sweeties. JUST SAY NO.
DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Everything I found here was on mainstream sites, not conspiracy sites.

By the way, antibiotics are also a form of chemotherapy, just so you know.


Have a nice, drug-free, day now 😘

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I 100% agree. The surest way to live a long and healthy life is to NEVER EVER GO TO THESE WITCH DOCTORS. Once you are under the spell of their potions, you can not live without them, unless you go through an exorcism ( really serious detox).

Some will sicken and not recover. This is natural, and would be a vast improvement over what we have under the current medical tyranny is many of us sicken and do not recover, and nearly all of us are sick.

just say no, just don't go, take off the shackles.

Haven't seen a whitecoat since 2005 except for one I met at a festival drunk and he told me he knew the germ theory was bollox.

So these drugs are literally 'chemotherapy' for people who are not sick but definitely WILL be sick if they take them. How sick is that!

Sick in the head!! Thanks for keeping us informed.

ur welcome.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They just keep trying to push more crap on people 😡

yup it's called marketing ;-)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well basicaly in language of normal people it's called genocide.

except no-one forces you to take their drugs

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yes, they only persuading us by: "you don't take it => you dont work=> you don't eat"

Awesome article! About half a year ago, I found this pic on Twitter... I couldn't believe what I was reading there, but it seems to fit with the information in your article!


Robert malone is a disinfo agent. He knows there is no virus yet perpetuates the myth. The vaccines are not 'waning' they never did work unless by 'work' you mean kill people.......
Thanx for going and reading my article xxx

Posted from

But he is saying, that the vax has to stop..?

yes telling us something we already know. He was part of the development of the mRNA jabs. If he really was saying something they don't want him to he'd be dead.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope the pandemic ends soon. because I'm tired of all these shackles

It's over whenever you say it's over.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Any doctor still working in NZ has had the injections, thereby proving that they are totally incompetent...

yup true

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