Go Home Yankey

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago  (edited)


It's funny that a blog managed to get into the Irish news but after reading the scathing piece about how moving to Ireland is not a good idea, rather than making me angry it just made me laugh. Not even a Blurt blog!! Never heard of 'Medium'. Pffff

Source: https://medium.com/globetrotters/6-reasons-not-to-move-to-ireland-d1c50c70ba82

I could generalize about yanks and their failure to enjoy local quirks and culture, having travelled extensively with my childhood penpal from Chicago but this woman is not even that general. She is far more monstrous.

It's hard to find a quaint European city or town without bumping into a McDonalds or KFC nowadays thanx to the yankie invasion. I remember my friend and other yanks I've met who on travelling to a foreign town immediately feel at home when they see one of those monstrosities. I never could understand the mentality of travelling thousands of miles to want to eat in a generic American 'food' joint. Why travel at all? Mental.

Once I saw she wants life and tech integrated, like Musk and Gates, I clocked where she is coming from. Follow the money....

So this blogger goes even further than the usual yanky disdain of anything 'foreign'. She bemoans the Irish roads, public transport, drinking, pubs etc etc. Her only complaint about the food tho was the cost. I'm sure there are plenty of McD's and KFC in Dublin for cheap American stodge???

If she expected leprechauns, cute lingo and stunning scenery she obviously was in the wrong place. A CITY. Dublin is nothing like Ireland much as London is not like the rest of England. It's dirty, smelly, noisy and full of arseholes and foreigners like this woman.

She doesn't want quaint little winding backroads where everyone waves before they negotiate squeezing past each other, where getting lost is a regular pastime.
She wants smart roads and smart electric cars that drive themselves down wide concrete straight lines no doubt.


She complains about the drink culture in a time when none of us could even GO to the bleedin pubs without a hazmat suit and a poison jab.
She says she couldn't make friends because they all left. Probably to get away from her and her high-tech plans for them and the convid rules that would usher them in.

Mein Gott im himmel she even complained about not being able to drive to Europe and the lack of trains. Ireland is an island FFS and has she never heard of the Ferries of which there are MANY from here to Europe??

This blog, it seems to me, is not so much an organic blog but rather an ad for turning Dublin into a smart city. Yeh good luck with that then. I hope the Irish who still live there will fight it tooth and nail. THAT sort of thing is exactly what I moved to Ireland to get away from.


I love that the local busses take a detour to drop the old lady at the shop. I love getting lost down the country lanes because the signs have all been blown around and you stumble across a lake you never knew was there.


Source: my phone

I love not hearing sirens going off very minute of the day, walking around a town slowly and not being bumped into by snotty high-tech business peeps from foreign places rushing to the nearest burger joint. I love the lack of cameras following every move I make. If there does happen to be a speeding camera van parked on the road I love that the people driving towards me all let me know by flashing their lights. I love the fresh air and peace and quiet and drystone walls lining the lanes.
I love the local drunk who sits on a windowsill down the village and waves at me as if we're old friends. I even love another local old drinker who chats me up everytime I bump into him down the shop and unashamedly forgets my name every time.

I don't want more 'infastructure', 5G masts, street lighting, cheap crappy fastfood joints, pubs where no-one gets drunk and dances on the tables. We don't need your high-tech nonsense here or your world of smooth operations without pesky diversions. Diversions are the spice of life I say.

The world she strives for is the bit in that film WALL-E with the fat, lazy people flying around doing nothing much else but consuming.


I hope she leaves and doesn't come back, oh and takes her high-tech city plans for us with her. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I hope all her other techy friends read it too and don't bother with us. That would be nice.

I love Ireland just the way she is. Rough and ready, windy and wet, raucous and peaceful.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh I want to move there, you make it sound so lovely. My tiny town in upstate New York, believe or not, is similar. A bit of paradise, at least when the deranged governor isn't letting her grandiosity rule all of us. I'm happy you are in such a fine place.

Thankyou @owasco YOU would be more than welcome here I'm sure but if you've found you little slice of heaven keep it to yourself, don't let them change it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ireland is my spiritual home, for sure.
My body prefers the heat and the blue skies.
Decisions, decisions.....

Yeh I love the sunshine too but isn't it more appreciated when it is not around all the time? I also love snow and a lovely log or turf fire.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

but isn't it more appreciated when it is not around all the time?

Not for me.
I never fail to appreciate hot sunny weather - like consciously, every morning.

My hatred of cold, wet, grey weather, really is a visceral thing . ...and I ain't joking , either !
....When it gets really cold here, in winter - we have to put a duvet on at night - I still like that feeling !.....(it's only a light duvet.)

Nice. Right now I have a thick duvet plus one of those giant faux fur blankies plus a warm cat and it's nearly bloody summer here hahahahaha
I had planned to buy a winter home somewhere warm in me old age but convid put a spanner in that plan. 😭 Just have to put up with it now.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

when/if i get that dosh - I'll be building 'blurt house' for all the cool blurters to come and stay for free. (you can come as well, though ! lol)

Cool, I'll bring me vegan bacon hahahaha

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Here in nz we now have ctv at the bottom of our path, ambulance sirens going constantly, cell phone towers out the window, about 80% death jabbed and over 90% muzzle wearing... i much prefered it before it was all fucked up...

yes but it's been creeping upon us for a long time and some even don't have the luxury of remembering anything different. Only us oldies.

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Lol I still want to go to,Ireland. I still argue London is the beat place In the uk tho equalled only by Devon and Cornwall.

I too thought London was the bees knees when I was your age. That was why I chose to live there for 25 years. It was after 2000 it started going downhill for me. Maybe it's an age thing too.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I am not sure its an age thing as some ppl never feel a draw to it, I would say maybe its cool when you don't have a family etc as there is always something to do , new ppl to hang out with etc I mean I don't like central London at all I like where I am as I am right by the canal, loads of vegan cafes and a surprising amount of nature even woodlands and a nature reserve. I actually find it really easy to just wander out into nature here. I do also love Cornwall and devon though and defo feel next move could be by the coast. I do like access to lots of cafes though where I can sit and do work from etc, thats one thing I find is missing in a lot of places, especially when your into matcha lattes, oat milk etc and raw vegan cakes and also like spiritual workshops, sound baths etc etc but the rest of the country is slowlllly catching up. Glastonbury is probably somewhere I could live.

Yeh been meaning to ask about the canal. You know I lived there on a boat for 5 years. I'm sure you must know some of the people I knew on there. I had a friend called Ali who did yoga and gonging and another girl Katy Lambert a cool artsy girl. Being vegans I can't believe we never bumped. I used to hang out at Black cat.
Yeh it was defo fun when I was young and when I had kids I moved out to Barnet which isn't really London lol.

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I do think that London isn't what it used to be though, I agree with you I have watched it steadily decline, I really never go into the centre at all anymore unless its for a meeting.

Yup I worked right by Oxford circus for 5 years too so had my fill of the city and it changed big time. My fave bits were always the villagey areas, little oasis' of communities dotted here and there which seemed to disappear slowly.

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Even tho lived here ages I never rly liked central at all went from like portobello / Nottinghill / Ladbroke Grove way to hackney I rarely went in the centre that much which is funny. I mean maybe years and years ago for nights out

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Yup the nights out then coming out of a late nightclub to find you can't get home coz the tubes are all shut. London ffs and the tubes shut before the nightclubs. Always thought that was ridiculous.

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I went to the alchemy centre at Camden in its hay day too still special memories

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The centre is so bland these days for sure

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