Fuck Max Igan

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

I watched many of Max Igans video's over the last 5 years or more. I've enjoyed his views on how the world is changing, why and who is responsible as it agreed with my own research. The one thing I never got was his 'we are all one' view.


His 'inlakech' ending to all his video's is supposed to illustrate our 'oneness' but in reality it's more akin to the old philosophical question that asks - if a tree falls in the forest and no-one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Yesterday I listened to an interview he did with someone I've never heard of and it was quite interesting but then he suddenly went off on the old 'vegan agenda' thing.

He was talking about the floods in Australia being caused by cloud seeding/weather manipulation which I agree with. There is ample proof of them manipulating the weather in this way since the 60's. Then he makes a leap of faith to connect the floods with the 'vegan agenda'.

To try to be understanding I'd say it was a bit of a lashing out but his blaming it on a vegan agenda was ridiculous. Logically if a flood wipes out all vegetation then what do you think happens to the animals? They either drown too or if they are free too will leave the area. It is not only vegans who eat plants, ALL the animals that people eat, eat plants ergo the area cannot sustain plants OR animals so how is his claim valid?

He claimed that we have been subjected to an agenda to stop eating animals and only eat plants and that they can easily take away that food source by flooding the area or manipulating the weather somehow. He conveniently forgets again that the animals need plant food too and they need more plant food over a longer period of time to mature to killing age and for breeding of the next 'batch' of animals.

He claims also that we have not been taught to hunt and kill but conveniently forgets we have not been taught how to grow food too. Hunting animals has become the 'sport' of the rich and the elite and nothing to do with feeding them. The same goes for the 'grass fed' trend which is out of reach of the majority of people as it is unaffordable and not freely available. It is also unsustainable purely on available land to 'feed' everyone except the rich.

This 'vegan agenda' is said to be pushed by the likes of Bill Gates who is NOT a vegan and nor are his products so to call it a 'vegan agenda' is totally inaccurate too.

It is also a slap in the face of the hard-working real vegans who started the movement in the 70's with the invention of the word vegan and it's 'manifesto'. Veganism has been growing steadily since then through outreach, education, exposure of animal cruelty and political demonstration ALL organized by the many animal rights organizations which grew from it.

The only agenda we all had was to end animal cruelty of all kinds by means of boycotting the products and persuading others to boycott too.

Even tho vegans still are only a small percentage of the population the education part has reached a much wider percentage meaning the demand has reached a kind of tipping point. We were already there before oligarchs like Gates jumped on the bandwagon so why give them the benefit of the results we have achieved.

This change has come about through shrinking demand for the products. The meat and dairy lobby have become so enraged they even took plant-milk producers to court claiming they could not use the word 'milk' on their products. I always laughed about that because being a mammal myself and having breast fed both my children was I not allowed to call my breast milk, MILK? Will they go after the peanut 'butter' manufacturers next?

Max Igan then went on to justify his demands for the right to kill animals (which he 'loves' but still wants to eat) with the ugly story of Jordon Peterson and his daughter and how the 'Lion Diet', as she calls it, has 'cured' them both of various maladies.

People who use that as an example of a healthy diet have not looked at it properly just grasped at it with greedy gratitude.

Firstly this daughter suffered from ARTHRITIS from 2 YEARS OLD!! Pretty obvious to me that she was vaccine injured. She was then subjected to the usual barrage of tests and drugs inflicted on all vaccine injured children.
Hardly surprising then that she and her father also suffered from 'depression'. To claim that eating a 'diet' of only beef, salt and water has cured them both of everything is ridiculous. To use their story as justification of the right to kill animals for food is also disingenuous as well as a generous dollop of cognitive dissonance. But Max just did.

Just as I have dropped every so-called 'truther' who rings the 'vegan agenda' alarm bell I'm now dropping Max. Not because he is a meat-eater, I have lots of friends who do that. Because he is promoting it to his huge following.

How does promoting the killing of animals for food help their agenda to counter the starvation agenda? It doesn't. Their ideal (this new age lot) is everyone going out with bow and arrow to kill their own 'meat'. Going by the science and statistics of that scenario I guess it would only be a valid future scenario if the Georgia Guidestones future population figure is achieved. Therefore the new-agers must be in agreement with killing off 2/3 of the humans in the world.


Plant based people on the other hand claim that everyone alive today could be fed easily on a plant-based diet. No need for a human cull at all. So who's agenda are the new-agers really pushing now?


I could go over the meaning of veganism (it's not a diet) and the reasons plus the science but that would end up a novel and this is just a rant so maybe another day.

Inlakech Max.

Posted from https://blurt.live

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And this is why there is no real, effective dissident movement - so-called truthers have their own truths - merely having an enemy in common does not make us friends... not for long, anyway.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Anyone who says "we are all one" makes me throw up anyway!
It's the misinterpretation of a transcendental experience, without the knowledge base to explain it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He is one , she is one , you are one ,..... we are many .
And i am one that got away .

remember Bono ,.. we are one , but not the same ,... biggest crap in the century .
Fuck Bone , he was only one to . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

U1 wouldn't have worked.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But BUT but, we are all brothers and sisters, I draw the line at 1.

OK that's it, everyone off your lard-arse butts for this one -

Posted from https://blurt.live

YES true, even the 'plant-based' distanced themselves from the vegans lol coz they utimately don't give a toss about their own health and are not the best ads for it. Like I said veganism is not about diet. Plant-based is tho.
I do have some old notes on that very subject but I never finished it. It's complicated.

Posted from https://blurt.live

I agree with you, veganism was a grassroots movement, just like blockchain technology or youtube vlog idea. The elites watch every grassroots movement and if one of them becomes popular, they always try to take it over and use it for their purposes. Max is wrong in this case.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Max is just an old guy now, he lives in a cave, he knows how to make some shit coin saying what he says, trying to be relevant, like Russel Brand, David Icke, Alex Jones, they only know one way to do shit, because they chose a character to play, play it they will, at any cost. Trust you, trust nobody else tgal.

Yeh thanx. I've been pondering this new-age stuff that half of them are saying is bad and trying to work out how it is bad so kept listening to him, not to learn as he doesn't say anything I don't already know, but more to understand, well now I get it anyway.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The time is now, imo, when everyone has to make their own minds up. trust nobody, then we can start fresh, the alt media is as bad as the msm now, never trust anyone that is a whore for money, that is the way I see it sister.

LOL I never did 'trust' him, he was entertaining me. I have very good radar now, it's taken me years of being shat on to hone that.

Posted from https://blurt.live

I've been on a largely plant based diet for many years - much of it grown myself, foraged in the summer - or brought from local organic farmers that we know - that's been my main focus of the last couple of years, building a self sustaining network of local growers. In truth, these are the most proactive things we could be doing at this moment in time - the things that make a tangible difference.

As for Max and the broader truth movement - there is a big difference between individuals working collectively and collectivism - for the latter plays into a communitarian agenda that is using the "truth movement" as a means to an end. If you understand the tactic you can observe how a majority of people have been suckered into it. Time for people to step up and rediscover there self-responsibility - or follow the perceptual pied pipers into a cul-de-sac of inconsequentiality. ;)

yes I see people being 'sucked in' but feel that's a bad descriptive as they barge willingly into it because it gives their addiction validation. If 2020 has taught me anything it is that some people will NEVER change even to their deaths like the old poem 'into the valley of death'.........

Posted from https://blurt.live

Oh yes they definitely go willingly. But when I say "Suckered" in - I allude to the fact that they are selling themselves short - they lack self-responsibility and have little faith in themselves - so feel the need to belong to something that is more than them, often with minimal effort. A march every once in a while, a shared post here and there, a few ticks in the right places - job done. lol Armchair activists and protest day trippers - seen it my entire life - but like you say, many of them are incapable of change.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have nothing against people choosing the vegan way , and i know you look at your health first for the main reason . But i am also aware of the push by the WEF and friends towards a vegan diet for all . Economically very convenient and easy to control . And i see many vegan or vegetarian people doing it just to virtual signal some kind of goodness towards living creatures , while eating crap gmo altered plant based foods . Those , mostly men , that look of , bit fluffy , and no longer manly , ... incapable of doing some hard physical work for more then a hour or two . ( Do they control Hive now ??? poisoned , deluded and starving )

No offence to veganism , i also know vegan males and females looking healthy and aware of there balanced diet . Still i can't deny veganism being hijacked and used for hidden agenda's . Like many other common knowledge is kind of always used against us in the end .
Max might be over the top , but something in it could be true .
Not that i watch Max , .. if i wanna see a old dude speak ,. ill go to the mirror . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeh the 'soyboy' thing is also annoying. Did you know years ago they had to stop feeding the army chicken in Greece because all their soldiers were growing TITS!! The soyboy crap is just milk lobby propaganda. It's also true a lot of the original animal rights guys were gay which may have added fuel to this story but they definitely were gay before they went vegan lol. maybe gay men are just more empathic than straight men but then I'd be generalizing just like the soyboy nonsense does.
"I have nothing against people choosing the vegan way , and i know you look at your health first for the main reason ."
Nope you have me all wrong. I got into the health aspect way after becoming vegan BECAUSE the vegans were losing the battle. I also got into it because they didn't seem to understand the scientific fraud of vivisection. That was why I started learning about the science.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

BECAUSE the vegans were losing the battle

What battle ?,.. i don't like war . Not for chicken not for banana's ,.. it's balance i seek . ;-)

The specific 'battle' I was referring to was against the vivisection industry because the movement was ignoring the medical research aspect because they didn't understand the science or rather the non-science behind it. Believe me in the thick of it it was a battle. Friends went to prison for fighting it.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And i know how to enjoy some veggies , ;-)
