in blurtconnect •  2 years ago  (edited)

The old 'leaked from a bio-lab' story is not going away in fact the psy-op is now being used openly to create MORE fear.

"First, MSM said there are no bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
Then, MSM said there are "health research" labs in UKraine.
Now, MSM said there are bioweapons labs in UKraine seized by Putin, and Putin will unleash those bioweapons."


Rule of thumb - if it instills fear in the masses it is a psy-op!! No I'm not saying the bio-labs aren't real. The threat of manmade (or even natural) pathogens is the big lie here.

They WANT you to believe these labs can make deadly pathogens and they WANT you to believe this is a threat and you should BE AFRAID - BE VERY AFRAID. Well I'm here to tell you FEAR is the WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. It always was.

The nuclear threat just wasn't cutting the mustard this time so they've decided to roll out the bio-weapon psy-op.

Ask yourself this - if someone was cooking up some dangerous chemical weapons on your doorstep would you take the weapons off them and destroy them or would you take them off them to release them? Is that a bit too logical for you?

The reason I'm using the words 'chemical weapons' is because they HAVE NO BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS.

Think about this then - IF they were working on deadly pathogens like the 'black death' in those labs then why would they be doing 'gain of function' experiments? What is the function they are trying to gain? Yes they're trying to make them deadly because they are NOT deadly. Yes you heard that right. There are no deadly bacteria. What they are trying to do is the equivalent of taking a fireman and turning him into a molotov cocktail with 'magic'.

The 'bio-lab' is the modern day equivalent of the old 'ALCHEMY'.
Its even openly admitted -


I wrote an article on the 'bio-lab' psy-op back when the fake truthers were screaming about the covid fiasco coming from a Chinese lab leak.
I also posted it on Blurt here -

Short synopsis excerpt - "The ‘released from a bio-lab’ story is ONLY a psy-op to induce more fear, to convince us that their viruses are REAL even if they are not natural. The only truth in this story is that the ‘genome’ they say is from a novel virus WAS made in a lab. A gene lab. On a computer. It is a manmade gene sequence that cannot do anything because it doesn’t exist except in a computer. This big lie is a cover-up for the other big lie. They have no viruses."


Some people are trying to say that the 'no virus' truthers are wasting their time because that is not the important issue here but I would beg to differ. It is THE MOST IMPORTANT issue here. Without the virus story they have no weapon of mass destruction as FEAR is their best weapon.

Learning about how we have been conned into believing in viruses is probably the most important work you can do to end the medical tyranny, the number one killer in the world today and the method they have chosen to use to control us.
All the info is in here:

EXCERPT: "Rivers was the first to use the term ‘obligate parasite’ to describe viruses. WHERE did THAT come from? But parasites are living things and these viruses were not. They were simply particles but calling them parasites helped their circular reasoning of these particles needing a living cell to replicate in other words OUR cells. None of this was based on science, it was purely political word salad. How can chrystals and building blocks suddenly become a parasite that can make baby parasites? Ridiculous but everyone bought it, because SCIENCE."

These bio-labs even claim to hold deadly bacteria but the germ theory was disproved way before virus theory, in fact that was why they invented the virus theory BECAUSE bacteria were not the cause of disease!!

I also wrote an article on germ theory here:
"What is the main ingredient, the heart that is pumping the fear around the world right now? IT IS The Germ theory. Without this they would never have been able to build up the fear to the hysterical level it has reached. They would never have been able to build the all encompassing and powerful big pharma and they would never have had so much power to weald over the entire earth. THIS is why it is so important that we understand what germ theory is and what it is not."

Fear makes people do really stupid things. Ignorance is the catalyst for fear. Knowledge is the antidote. The real truth is out there and I have laid it all out for you. All you have to do is read it. Lose the fear. Take back your power.
Now Lanka's team have put together an article on the bio-labs too.
Excerpt: "The matter once again makes it abundantly clear how crucial both the viral evidence issue and a need for a paradigm shift in medicine have become. How much fear, aggression, abuse of power, greed, political nonsense and social harassment would automatically fall away if we could finally leave behind the warlike good-evil thinking and the mechanical medical system and enter the world of real biology and a humane medicine?"
There is no excuse for ignorance.



The REAL 'bio-weapons' that they HAVE released across the world look like THIS -

Even these contain no biological 'pathogens' they are more like 'chemical weapons' to be more accurate. Definitely weapons of mass destruction and yes technically released from bio-labs the world over.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The nuclear threat just wasn't cutting the mustard this time so they've decided to roll out the bio-weapon psy-op.

Right, something INVISIBLE and DANGEROUS at the same time and that nobody has the wits to figure out it's a con.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You will own nothing and be happy.

The theory of Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.

— Karl Marx


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

fear the fear

Yeh, no

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And today, I identify as a gif

jaws 1.gif

Very true - certainly, the fake truthers and the mainstream muppets are now simply opposing aspects of the same dialectic control structure.

The more they try to ramp up the fear - the more they energise my research, and my drive towards self sufficiency. :)

yeh me too. Fear is also a frequency, the opposite of the frequency of love but while I will not show them love I will also never show them fear.

100%! Disdain is about as far as I can stretch. :)

Good plan not much energy in disdain hahahaha

Exactly lol :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

These are the 6 Communist Regimes working to kill all the humans with their Covid Scam.

China, Russia, USA, Germany, France, Canada.





  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

erm... yep!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanx @freakeao xx

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Gracias por un voto positivo (I think) xx

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