Everything you never thought you’d need to know about Monkeypox

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

I actually can’t believe I’m writing this. Debunking a potential plandemic of MONKEYPOX? How is this a thing? Yup the world has lost it’s marbles. It seems the majority of people do not look further than their tv screen for info, blindly believing every new fear-mongering campaign with actual relish, it has to be said.

Well as usual I will try to put this nonsense to bed, again. It is not hard to find the clues and the gaping holes in their narrative. They’re not even bothering to hide the holes so I will show you where they are and what it means.

Starting with the good ole CDC website –


Did you spot that? They ‘discovered’ monkeypox in humans during a VACCINATION campaign in Africa for SMALLPOX!! So for those who need it spelled out, they injected children with noxious substances supposedly to prevent smallpox so when some of them presented with ‘smallpox’ they had to deflect (as they always do) and invent a new diagnosis to cover up the vaccine damage. Look at this picture and tell me it’s not ‘smallpox’.

Another word for it is ‘vaccinia’. It’s hard to find accurate info on ‘vaccinia’ now as they have usurped the original meaning of the word to create yet another ‘variant virus’ from vaccine damage. Yes they’ve been doing that from the very first vaccine drive.

Original meaning of ‘vaccinia ‘ was –


Monkeypox was born out of vaccine damage just like Delta and Omicron were in 2021 and people keep falling for it. It’s a never ending cycle.
Next lets look at the origins (where did it come from) and holes in the official story on Wiki-


So originally it came from monkeys but wait, not wild monkeys happily monkeying around in the jungle. No, monkeys that had been ripped from their home and families, shipped in boxes 100’s of miles and stuck in a medical laboratory. NOT a naturally occurring disease at all then. Well what a surprise.

Let’s have a look at the discoverer of monkeypox now and how he ‘discovered’ it.
– interesting stuff


So basically we can derive from this that the man works in the vaccine industry so is well placed to orchestrate a cover-up of the damage done in Africa by their smallpox campaign so they could go on to commit even more atrocities there with the next vaccine.
I also highlighted the rather strange sentence about bio-weapons because it seemed out of place but might be relevant later. To me it looked like a possible ‘fact-check’ addition to gaslight the tinfoil hatters spouting the covid-biolab conspiracy. Turns out he said it at one of those elite type meetings they like to hold to make us think they’re doing a great job running the world. Sort of like a G7 meeting but with a silly name. Pugwash hahaha.

Apart from discovering monkeypox he seems to have discovered something else of interest.
DIP’s? No not guacamole....


So basically in plain English, what he discovered was the more chemicals they added to the poor chick embryo’s (that is what the ‘influenza virus system’ is, a fancy name for poisoning unborn chicks) the more cell debris was produced that didn’t match up to a computer generated gene sequence he was trying to replicate. In other words the gene sequences didn’t match what it said on the tin. A quick look at the ‘talk’ section confirmed they were talking about RNA.


Just like they can invent a new disease to cover up their vaccine damage they can also invent new ‘particles’ when the particles don’t do what they’re supposed to do. No-one stops to think maybe the RNA isn’t matching up because they’ve mixed it with other species and the ‘viruses’ don’t replicate because there is no such thing!!

They even admit it openly on the opening line – “inability to isolate them’. So he isolated nothing. He made them up, just like they made up viruses.

While we’re on the subject of making things up I saw this video just the other day and it confirms everything I’ve said about that, from the horses mouth –

A bit more of their concocted story to cover up the fact their virus theory is total bunkum –


This was all going on in the hayday of the newly emerging science of ‘genetics’ and this was one of the many hurdles they managed to crawl over backwards to explain away. None of the listed ‘viruses’ that this allegedly happens with have been isolated so the gene sequences they were working from were all ‘dirty’. You’d think things would have changed by now in our high-tech world but no, it is still exactly the same as explained in this excellent article-


SOURCE: https://viroliegy.com/2022/01/24/genome-contamination-a-widespread-problem/

So it seems von Magnus is pretty good at plugging up holes in the narrative. Back to the monkeypox discovery on his page where the story differs slightly –


So unlike the CDC which hinted at the monkeys not being in a lab but being ‘held’, here we see they were in fact in the lab thousands of miles away from home and for a month and a half already so plenty of time to start jabbing them with experimental vaccine concoctions then.
Again he didn’t ‘isolate’ the monkey virus. He used the Enders method of poisoning cells in a petri dish and calling the damage a virus and the cell/mucus/blood soup an ‘isolation’.
This method was thoroughly debunked in a court case in Germany in 2017 by Stefan Lanka.
See my article Virology is Dead here – https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/2021/10/26/virology-is-dead/

It is also noted that it was pretty common for the poor monkeys to display these horrible symptoms in vivisection labs all over the world. I’m sure the ‘scientists were baffled’ again huh.

Von Magnus also seems to be well connected in the vaccine production elite and making lots of money no doubt. –


In case you didn’t already know Salk’s polio vaccine had to be discontinued because it CAUSED paralysis and death and Von Magnus started injecting the vaccine to save money. Nice people then. Enough of him…….let’s go back to the monkeypox wiki page to see how they got to marketing this ‘new’ disease –


yeh they don’t seem to be moving too fast on this one, maybe using the ‘slowly slowly catch the monkey’ method huh? Only 400 ‘cases’ in 16 years. Probably keeping it on the backburner for later, just in case?

This next bit is a doozy. They reckon that the smallpox vaccine will protect against monkeypox…..


Well sorry but doesn’t that go against their whole germ theory of one germ for one disease. Why it normally takes 10 years to come up with a vaccine because it is so specific?? This makes no sense m’Lud. It’s bloody bonkers. Are they monkeying us around. Why not just give us one vaccine to rule them all if you can just use any old vaccine?
Wait a minute tho, I know what they're playing at. This is the old problem reaction bad solution game. Offer us the most dangerous vaccine ever produced (the first one yeh) so they can pull their brand new shiney, waiting in the wings as we speak, new monkeypox vaccine. Tadaaah. Yes they have one already of course.

now here comes another very recent little wiki editing job. Monkeypox was not ‘infectious’ since the 50’s until suddenly now in 2022. Well ain’t that something. Magic.


So now lets get to the absolute star of the show. The actual virus, where is it, what does it look like, how much does it weigh? Have they sorted out an artist to make the pretty CGI pic everyone loves? Here’s the paper that claims the ‘isolation’ of the monkeypox virus in 1972 (told ya von Magnus didn’t do it).

The paper claiming isolation – Drrrrumrrrrrolll



Firstly antibodies are NO indication of ANY virus as they are not specific, even if they were there is no test to tell them apart and frankly no proof they do anything they say they do.
See this article for more on that – https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/2022/01/12/anti-bodies-again/

As you can see from the last line (highlighted) they ‘distinguished’ a virus that was different from smallpox by looking at poisoned unborn pig kidney cells. No classification/isolation/control group and certainly no Koch’s postulates fulfilled. Very shoddy work. Nothing to see here, move along.

BUT let’s sell it anyway…….Monkeypox even had it’s very own ‘event201’.



Just like at Event201 they lay out what they expect to happen (or is it what they would LIKE to happen) and pretty much they followed the script for Covid so maybe we should have a look at what exactly they WANT to happen.

Page 10 is where the plot is – spoiler alert!!


Ahaaa now I see where the bio-weapon link comes in that Mr von Magnus was harping on about at his Pugwash meeting. They are gonna go with the old 'bio-weapon made in a lab' ruse that all the controlled opposition were screaming about last time. So now they are being promoted from tin-foil hat conspiracy nuts to working for the dark side. Nice bit of mental priming they did there.
For this to work for them the whole world needs to be bat-shit crazy/hypnotized or they will push through the WHO Pandemic Treaty and then it won’t matter if no-one believes them, they will have the power to do it anyway.

It’s not too late to stop them. Or is it?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy to say that this new "plague" is not a game being played where I reside, it is not in the alleged news, not on the dumb box named tell lie vision and not a single person is mentioning it, the only place I see "it" talked about is facebollox via media whores AKA presstitutes named "GBnews."...............

It's not in the media here in Ireland either right now, because they haven't come up with any bogus cases here YET. On the map of cases they were only in Europe, UK, Australia and USA as far as I could see. Just shows us where they have the tightest hold on media really.

I spoke too soon, ireland has ordered 'monkepox' vaccines, which are really smallpox vaccines, for the 'hellthworkers' here. And so it begins.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's your fault then 😂

In the infamous words of Bart Simpson, I didn't do it, it was like that when got there.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...come over here if we get that dosh next year - and we'll start a 'thinking persons only, commune'....

Thailand? Man I'd love to. Thanx for the invite.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....I was joking...but now that you said that...seems reasonable to me...lol......lets see how the dosh thingy transpires....

I was joking too 😂 but yeh save me a bed

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It’s so gross how much of the media keeps showing shingles or small pox images as Monkey Pox.

This is insanity! Thank u for taking the time to do a breakdown. Hey do u know the No Agenda Show? They did a great breakdown last episode.

Thankyou, no I don't know the no agenda show. Feel free to link it here if they're NOT pushing the 'made in a lab' narrative that is.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

New episode just posted 👍https://www.noagendashow.net/listen/1454

OMG I love these two blokes, hilarious. Thankyou

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It’s pretty much the best podcast in the universe 🙌

Cheers new friend 🍻

Yeh am adding it to my bookmarked tabs new friend lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for putting this article together it helps me understand more what's going on 👍

Always welcome Mr J, it's for people like you I do it.x

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

basically the whole theory about disease-causing microorganisms is thick thread sewn especially in the light of what is represented, for example, by total biology and Germanic New Medicine.

Of course, the new revelations are not surprising. the conflict in Ukraine is slowly getting bored, people are starting to turn their attention and the economic peak and the introduction of the treaty who is in full swing. something had to be invented.

Yup for me GNM was the final nail in the coffin of modern medicine for me especially in the research on cancer I was doing back then.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

exactly. All the more so if you empty your glass of existing beliefs and start diagnosing yourself and your family according to GNM and it turns out that everything is 100% correct. Basically, based on what your loved ones are suffering from, you can immediately tell what problems they have in life. The moment you say this and they look at you suspiciously "how can you know that?" it is both priceless and non-sticky on theories of conventional medicine.

I'm not very good at diagnosing, I don't have a chart but just knowing it is a perfectly natural process of the body helps enormously. Our bodies are not machines that need tinkering with, they are perfectly designed. I trust my body more than any quack in a white coat.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

that's exactly how you need to trust your body in the first place. that's why all health propaganda is directed against this trust.

EXACTLY they even go as far as telling us our own body will kill us hahahah

Posted from https://blurt.live

I appreciate how you explain this stuff so well. I think the issue is deeper than just folks watching their T.V.

The so called medical experts most are exposed to all go along with these narratives for the most part. Covid was the first push back I saw of any substance and they have been attacked and in some cases had their license revoked as they have been slandered beyond the pale.

Once one realizes the ones being trusted to care about our health are either just really stupid or worse, selling us out like they were a politician most would feel such utter impotence. I think most are to afraid to even consider these folks could be lying, because that calls everything they ever say into question at that point.

Yes you are right and waking up to how much we've been lied to for so long is very painful for some, especially those who revel in medical attention or think/have been led to believe they would be dead without it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

12 monkeys exactly tells this story .... blame it on a terrorist group to hide the fact that it was created by "scientist's" in a lab as a bio weapon .
12 fucking monkeys.JPG

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Monkey pox is hardly a risk. The grossest thing is the media showing shingles pics and lying saying it’s monkey pox.

I don’t think this is the big bad next virus from a lab. Monkey pox would be a weak choice by these evil shills. I think it’s more likely a immune issue from people who are dealing with immune system weakness from the spike protein from 4 jabs. Just a theory so not a big firm Take right now. Just seems to me Monkey Pox though uncomfortable AF isn’t the deadly threat the media is claiming. I don’t think they’ll get the compliance they did last time from this.

No it wasn't 'made in a lab' as they would have us believe it was 'made-up' in a lab tho. There is no disease caused by specific germs or viruses. There are no viruses. Every time they fall into a hole in their theroy they make up something new to fill in the hole. This is how they came up with viruses to cover the hole in germ theory. The immune system was also a hole filler. No-one suffers from 'immune-system' anything! They suffer from being POISONED and then the bodies attempt's to get rid of said poison are plugged by more poisons (treatments).
Monkeypox is not a threat because it doesn't exist. Saying it's not a threat because it's not so deadly is falling into their trap. The one they use constantly that we have to protect the 'weak' for who it supposedly is deadly. No mention that the reason they are 'weak' is because they are under the care of quacks.

HA that's some video, I remember it but seeing it again, now, wow.

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