in blurtconnect •  3 years ago 

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Everyone is preparing for the new year. If you are at the early stage of building your brand, you may need to read this post carefully.

Nothing will change in 2022 if you don’t do the right thing. And yes… this is the truth you do not want to hear especially if you are a newbie.
Starting out in your career can be so tiring if you do not know what it takes to hit the peak. As much as I can, I let people know that growth is an aftereffect of series of actions and inactions.

If you want to get it right as a newbie in any industry, you need to master some proven hacks and apply them to your growth process.
Some years ago, I heard a man said, "If you want to be great, walk with the great". I never understood that quote until I grow into a young woman.

This is number one hack:


When I see people who wish to achieve great things in life get stuck in a network not healthy for their growth, I weep. They do not know that being in such network alone proves that they are not ready for greatness.

This community has grown into a network of intentional personalities who are set to build profitable influence and dominate globally. We are here to LEARN, CONNECT & GROW.

As headstarters, your utmost concern in life should be who you walk with. They, to a large extent, determine how far you will go. As it is usually said, "If you are among four millionaires, you will be the fifth. Work on your network.

The Second hack is:


I have lost count of the number of opportunities I get from friends and colleagues. Most times, they come from a little show of love and kindness. This goes further to suffice that people do not forget little things.

Be kind. Show love to people around you. Care for those who need your support. Help people while on your journey to the top. Avoid envy and jealousy.

You will find yourself at the top when you do this. Love is the greatest.

Third hack is:


One thing I have learnt is never to be a parasite. One thing that can keep you far from getting and retaining a mentor is trying to build a parasitic relationship. This alone kills every relationship.

Learn to give to people. Look out for ways to help those you admire. Go the extra mile to send gifts to those you call role models, coaches and mentors. Stop waiting for them to give you always.

Call/message them. Show that you are not just after what you can get from them. Same applies to people in your circle. Most people find it difficult to reciprocate good deeds. Too bad!

Same applies to those who feel that they have become so familiar with those they look up to or even feel entitled to people’s knowledge thus asking them to give it out for free.

Seeking things out of recklessness or the see-finish syndrome has made a good number of person lose opportunities of connecting with those they admire. Too bad! This makes them destroy a relationship that would have been of help to their growth.
Be smart. Build great relationships.

Fourth hack is:


Living a healthy life involves staying away from grudges. Most times, you might be forced to create a wall against people but wait! Don't!
Take a step away but do not severe the communication gap. NEVER try to cut ties that will be of help to you in the near future because of certain misunderstanding.

Also, stop inheriting people’s enemies. When Mr A tells you that Mr B did something, don’t take everything hook, line and sinker. Move to know what really happened and if you can’t, don’t meddle into that drama. Tomorrow, Mr A will say same of you to another person and that’s how you keep building a life of enmity.

Next hack is:


The 21st-Century youth want everything on a gold platter. Too bad! I understand how much you like things to be given to you free. However, for certain reasons, do not expect everything free.

If you really want to be financially independent, you must be ready to invest in self-development. You must defy that urge to seek free things from those who you look up to.



When you fail to work on yourself, you will find out that overtime, you will be outdated. This is caused by lack of personal development. You will also begin to lose value in your network.

When such happens, you will only be relying on past glories. This, of course, is bad for anyone who wants to grow and reach the top.

Invest in yourself. Do not wait for those who would give you free of charge. Such an attitude only posits you as a taker rather than a giver to that person.

That alone is a poor perception anyone can have about you. Those who would help you want you to be better first. They want someone who is open to self-growth.

If you are not, they will begin to retrace their steps. At that point, they will ignore your messages and even when you get back to your senses, they might not give you an avenue to explain.

I understand that you do not want to invest in yourself but you will rather spend recklessly on things of less importance. I also understand that you love to complain about the unfair advantage accrued to some people.

Here is what you don’t know.
Those are people who made use of their senses and played their way into the minds of top influencers. They know how to attract helpers.
At this point, I may add: your chances of actualizing your dreams and vision are VERY slim if you still have the mindset of getting everything free.

Wake up and strive for the top. You are alone on this journey.
The ball is in your court.

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Seasons Greetings @kabira

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