RE: The Blurtconnect Spotlight - @kahkashanrkploy

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The Blurtconnect Spotlight - @kahkashanrkploy

in blurtconnect •  last year 

I've been trying to put together some kind of plan for returning but have not found the inspiration I need in order to refresh my profile. I've been earning BLURT on auto through the curation trail, which I'm very grateful for. But I have the feeling I may come up with something soon. I've been out of the loop for some time now, so it will be a new beginning for me. Hope you and yours are doing good, Bro! Thanks for thinking of me and for reaching out!

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I always loved your podcasts! Don't pressure yourself so hard... In Australia we say 'take it easy'. Just do something that comes to mind... The rest will follow... You have one fan already! 😉👍🏽🍀 Take care buddy!