Greetings my wonderful blurt family and beautiful ladies in the house, how are you all doing today?? I believe everyone is looking smart and beautiful. Of a truth, makeup Is one thing that adds extra beauty to a lady. A lady appears to be totally different when she applies makeup and she even look more attractive when she applies the right makeup that suits her very well. So today I was on YouTube when I came across a makeup tutorial and after watching it I decided to try it out and below is the steps on how I did the make up.
Step one.
This my selfie before the makeup. I took this picture before applying makeup so that it can be easy for me to see the difference when am done with the makeup. Taking a clearer look at this picture you will see the expression of my natural self without a makeup.
Step two.
To start up my makeup, I had to clean my face with Babyface facial cleaner so that my face can be extremely clean from heat and other dirt's in order to get the accurate result am looking for, remember my aim is a flawless soft makeup🤩🤩.
Step three.
Next thing I did is to apply natural coconut oil on my face in order to moisturize my face because it was too dry. Dry skin will leave cracks on the makeup but soft and moisturize skin will give me a perfect finish which is the flawless result, so I used original coconut oil,just a drop.
Step four.
Next thing I did was to use hair wax/ edge control to hold the edges of my hair so that while doing my makeup, hairs won't cause a break . So looking at this picture you will see that the edge control I applied held the hairs bond that they can't move.
Step five
Next thing I did is to apply my eye pencil on my eye brow. I did that by first sharpening my eye pencil to have a very pointed and sharped mouth in order to enable me make curves. So I made lines above and below the hairs of my eye brow and then curved it just as you can see in the picture.
Step six
After drawing my eye brow, I used a good concealer (favour beauty products) to carefully conceal my eyebrow making it very neat.
This is my picture after concealing my eye pencil and as you can see, the brow looks very neat and smooth and I already feel like am getting closer to my flawless makeup.
Step seven
After the eye brow I applied my powder. Each person has a specific color of powder that best suit their skin depending on their skin colour. So I used my sleek liquid powder and favour beauty finisher and as you can see from the picture,my face is gradually changing.
Step eight
After that I applied my eye shadow still making use of favour beauty products, I made sure to use two colours that are not too colourful but looks more natural and suites my skin colour just as you can see in the picture.
Step nine
After the eye shadow, I applied my eye liner and mascara for extra beauty. Wow the eye liner as mascara indeed added and extra beauty to my work and make it looks a bit professional just as you can see in this picture, am getting closer to the finish work as a lot of changes has already occured on my face.
Step ten
Finally, I applied my lipstick. I used two different colours of lipstick,the nude and lip gloss. I applied nude colour on my lower lips and applied the lip gloss on my upper lips which gave the both lips a different colour and make the lips super attractive. An this is where I ended the makeup by wearing a wig on my hair in order to look more cute.

I finally got my unique flawless look and I guess it's super beautiful, you can as well try it out my wonderful friends.
To every unique lady out there, I love you all. Do well to try applying the least simple powder on your face and always stay beautiful because as a lady you're wonderfully made to exhibit much beauty. I love you all and thanks for visiting my blog.