My field and a small farmer.

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hi everyone . First of all I interduse my self
My name is abdul quadir sabir and my father's name is sabir ali him self is a farmer.

Today my topic is__👇👇👇👇👇👇👇✍️✍️✍️ 🖍️my field and a small farmer 🖍️✍️
👇 Ok let's start

We have a paddy farm. Which is about 1 acres. That farm are ready to padd up now, we are now water and then two and the method of padding is the start. We are doing this farm for years and it is grown in this, from this farm, we borrow grains throughout the year and with this we are giving a situation. This time we have set the motor to the water, by which we guys are water. First we used to use the machine. We had to spend a lot of spending money and we had spent a lot of people but this time we will be spending the cost of the people, this motor is moving from electricity and does not need oil, we are very beneficial with people and inshallah will benefit people from us and we will also benefit from the farmer. Let's take you to the ground of this farm, keep a gardener here, in which the man is needed for a person to guard the garden, in the same way, we have kept the man like a gardener for the people who have been the guard of the farm, which we challenge people of the farm. We call him uncle and Uncle is very cute. Uncle our machine is very stabilized. The picture of our machine of our farm is this side.

Ok boss this is the main matter about my field and a farmer .thank you all my friends from my heart ❤️💜💜❤️💜

let's end this topic from few words

Jai jawan Jai kisaan.
Thank you.






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