in blurtconnect-ng •  2 years ago 



He'llo friends!

I trust we all are doing great today?
I will like to appreciate everyone for visiting my blog today.
Like I said in my previous post , I will be focusing more on business post and I'm glad to present my first business content on the blurt community.


Before I will start I will like to give the definition of business in my own way.
Business according to my hubble self can be define as the act of engaging in a busy activity, which involves most times buying and selling all for the aim of making profit.

In the world today almost 80% of people are engaged in business of different kinds all for the purpose of making profit to earn a living.
As the word is developing things are changing,we don't only engage in business with the mindset of making profit alone, but also to provide job opportunities for the masses and for the development of the country's economy.

Having this mindset set, lots of efforts and work are required of you before venturing into any business otherwise you might not get to the 🔝.

Before now we have the Trade by Pattern means of exchange this form of business require less work, it was because money have not come into existence.
This was the kind of business that our forefathers where used to , were you don't need money for anything what is only needed is your goods to exchange with the another partner's goods.
For example if a man have tubers of yam and he is in need of Maize 🌽, all he needs to do is to give out some tubes of his yam to the person that has maize 🌽 to collect his maize.

This means of business continued till money came into existence, then business became very easy.

The world today is all about business and that has kept the economy growing.

I will be reviewing how content about business and how someone can eventually start a business no matter how little it may be.

Thank you for visiting my blog, kindly stay tuned for more content.

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