Su última batalla [Primera Parte]

in blurtconnect-ng •  8 months ago 

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Su última batalla [Primera Parte]

El arqueologo Mark Wilson regresaba de su trabajo en el museo conduciendo su auto por una carretera solitaria en medio del bosque rumbo a su casa de campo en las afueras de la ciudad, hace unos meses atrás su pequeña hija Penny habia enfermado, no dormía bien, perdió el apetito, con fiebres inexplicables, y estaba perdiendo peso paulatinamente, los doctores no habían hallado con lo enfermedad que tenía, así que le recomendaron a los Wilson salir de la ciudad, y como poseía una casa de campo que visitaban algunos fines de semana, se mudaron allí esperando que el aire puro y fresco del campo mejorara la precaria condición de la niña, mientras Mark trabajaba, Penny quedaba al cuidado de su madre Martha, el cambio de aires le hizo bien al principio mejorando un poco pero pronto volvió a desmejorar y seguía muy débil!!!, a la par de esta situación Mark trabajaba arduamente en descifrar la inscripción en un antiguo medallón que hallo en su última expedición fuera del país, con el permiso del museo se lo habia llevado a su casa, esa tarde cuando no le faltaba mucho para arribar a su casa, se encuentra con un viejo camión destartalado enfrente que le hace disminuir la velocidad, cuando Mark ve la oportunidad de adelantarlo en una recta acelera, pero justo en ese momento un viejo baúl cae desde la parte trasera del camión estrellándose contra el asfalto, Mark tiene que aplicar los frenos y girar el volante de su auto violentamente para evitar impactar con el, mientras el baúl se volvía añicos sobre el pavimento el auto de Mark derrapa y se sale del camino deteniéndose justo a tiempo poco antes de chocar contra un árbol.

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Luego de agradecer salir ileso del accidente Mark Wilson baja de su auto y se da cuenta que tiene un neumático pinchado, el camión destartalado siguió su camino y solo quedaba sobre el asfalto los restos del baúl, ropa vieja y trapos desperdigados por todo el lugar!!!, cuando Mark va a la parte trasera de su auto por el gato hidráulico y el neumático de repuesto ve tirado a unos pocos metros a un pequeño osito Teddy victima del accidente, le faltaba un ojo, habia perdido una mano y estaba muy sucio, lo dejo allí en un principio pero luego de cambiar el neumático dañado cuando regreso a la parte posterior de su auto para guardar las cosas vuelve a ver al pobre osito y se decide a levantarlo, quizás su esposa Martha lo podía reparar y dárselo a Penny como regalo para levantarle un poco su alicaído animo. Cuando llego a casa lo primero que hizo Mark fue ir a ver a su hija, acostada en su cama muy débil, luego hablo con Martha y le contó el accidente que sufrió en la carretera, entonces le entrego el osito Teddy para que lo reparara, esa noche mientras Mark trabaja en su oficina estudiando el antiguo medallón, su esposa Martha reparaba con mucho cuidado al pequeño osito Teddy, le reparo la mano, le coloco un nuevo ojo, lo limpio muy bien y por último le fabrico un pequeño chaleco con botones de madera para que no pasara frío.

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A la mañana siguiente Mark y Martha le entregaron juntos el peluche de felpa a su hija, la niña emocionada lo recibió con una sonrisa, se encariño con el al instante, el muñeco logro alegrarla y la animo bastante!!!, la niña desayuno junto con sus padres y comió mucho mas de lo que habitualmente estaba haciendo en los últimos meses, Mark y su esposa se sintieron un poco aliviados, antes de retirarse para regresar al museo a trabajar Mark dejo a la niña y a su osito Teddy jugando en la sala, sin duda habia sido buena idea recoger aquel viejo y roto peluche de la carretera. Esa mañana en el museo Mark recibió la llamada de su viejo profesor y mentor de la universidad el doctor Samuels, pero no recibió la noticia que estaba esperando, le habia enviado varias fotos del medallón esperando que el doctor Samuels le ayudara a descifrar la inscripción en el, pero el doctor Samuels le anunciaba en cambio que viajaría a su ciudad para ver la pieza personalmente, esa tarde al salir del museo Mark condujo hasta el aeropuerto para recoger a su viejo profesor, de allí se dirigieron directo a la casa de campo, cuando llegaron Mark se sorprendió al ver que Penny seguía de buen animo y jugando con su osito Teddy, luego de cenar todos juntos, la acostaron en su cuarto con su muñeco.

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Y fue que el par de arqueólogos se dirigieron a la oficina de Mark en la casa para estudiar el viejo medallón, luego de palparlo con sus manos y leer minuciosamente sus inscripciones el doctor Samuels emitió su opinión, era sin duda autentico y provenía de una vieja civilización que creía en lo oculto, los usaban para para varios rituales, entre ellos contener a despiadados demonios según contaban las viejas leyendas que habia estudiado.

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A Mark Wilson esa parte de su trabajo no le hacia mucha gracia, difería de su viejo profesor sobre las creencias paganas, basaba su trabajo mas centrado en la ciencia y el valor arqueológico de la pieza que estudiaba, nunca le dio mucho peso a esas viejas creencias, leyendas y mitos de demonios y seres del mas allá, pero su mentor el doctor Samuels si creía en ellas!!!, mientras los arqueólogos debatían sobre el medallón, Martha preparaba café en la cocina, Penny dormía en su cuarto abrazando a su pequeño osito Teddy, desde las sombras del cuarto oculto tras la penumbra unos ojos vigilaban el sueño de la pequeña cuando el ente estuvo seguro que era momento de atacar salió de las sombras dispuesto a continuar con lo que habia venido haciendo los últimos meses, robarse el alma y la energía vital del ser inocente mas cercano a su disposición, cuando el monstruo se acerco lo suficiente abrió sus fauces para comenzar a aspirar el aliento de Penny, -POOW!!!-, recibió un fuerte puñetazo que lo hizo retroceder.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

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His last battle [Part One]

The archaeologist Mark Wilson was returning from his work at the museum driving his car along a lonely road in the middle of the forest towards his country house on the outskirts of the city. A few months ago his little daughter Penny had become ill, she was not sleeping well, He lost his appetite, with unexplained fevers, and was gradually losing weight. The doctors had not found out what illness he had, so they recommended that the Wilsons leave the city, and since he owned a country house that they visited some weekends , they moved there hoping that the pure and fresh air of the countryside would improve the girl's precarious condition, while Mark worked, Penny was left in the care of her mother Martha, the change of scenery did her good at first, improving a little but soon she returned to deteriorate and was still very weak!!! At the same time as this situation Mark was working hard to decipher the inscription on an old medallion that he found on his last expedition outside the country, with the permission of the museum he had taken it home, that Late when he was not far from arriving home, he finds an old dilapidated truck in front of him that makes him slow down. When Mark sees the opportunity to overtake it on a straight line, he accelerates, but just at that moment an old trunk falls from the rear of the truck crashing into the asphalt, Mark has to apply the brakes and turn the steering wheel of his car violently to avoid hitting it, while the trunk shatters on the pavement, Mark's car skids and goes off the road, stopping just in time shortly before hitting a tree.

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After thanking him for leaving the accident unscathed, Mark Wilson gets out of his car and realizes that he has a flat tire. The dilapidated truck continued on its way and only the remains of the trunk, old clothes and rags scattered all over the place remained on the asphalt! !!, when Mark goes to the back of his car to get the hydraulic jack and the spare tire, he sees a small Teddy bear lying a few meters away, a victim of the accident, he was missing an eye, he had lost a hand and he was very dirty , he left it there at first but after changing the damaged tire when he returned to the back of his car to put things away he saw the poor bear again and decided to pick it up, maybe his wife Martha could repair it and give it to Penny as a gift to lift his low spirits a little. When he got home, the first thing Mark did was go see his daughter, lying in her bed very weak, then he talked to Martha and told her about the accident he suffered on the road, then he gave her the Teddy bear to repair. That night while Mark worked in his office studying the old medallion, his wife Martha carefully repaired the little Teddy bear, repaired his hand, gave him a new eye, cleaned him very well and finally made him a small vest with buttons of wood so that it wouldn't get cold.

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The next morning Mark and Martha together gave the stuffed animal to their daughter, the excited girl received it with a smile, she became attached to it instantly, the doll managed to cheer her up and cheered her up a lot!!!, the girl had breakfast together With his parents and ate a lot more than he usually had in recent months, Mark and his wife felt a little relieved, before retiring to return to the museum to work. Mark left the girl and her Teddy bear playing in the living room. , without a doubt it had been a good idea to pick up that old and broken stuffed animal from the road. That morning at the museum, Mark received a call from his old university professor and mentor, Dr. Samuels, but he did not receive the news he was waiting for. He had sent him several photos of the medallion, hoping that Dr. Samuels would help him decipher the inscription on it. him, but Dr. Samuels announced instead that he would travel to his city to see the piece in person. That afternoon, upon leaving the museum, Mark drove to the airport to pick up his old professor, from there they went straight to the country house, When they arrived, Mark was surprised to see that Penny was still in good spirits and playing with her Teddy bear. After they all had dinner together, they put her to bed in her room with her doll.
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And the pair of archaeologists went to Mark's office in the home to study the old medallion, after feeling it with his hands and carefully reading its inscriptions, Dr. Samuels gave his opinion. It was undoubtedly authentic and came from an old civilization that believed in the occult. They used them for various rituals, including containing ruthless demons, according to the old legends that he had studied.

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Mark Wilson did not like that part of his work very much, he differed from his old professor on pagan beliefs, he based his work more focused on science and the archaeological value of the piece he studied, he never liked it. He gave a lot of weight to those old beliefs, legends and myths of demons and beings from the afterlife, but his mentor, Dr. Samuels, did believe in them!!! While the archaeologists debated the medallion, Martha was preparing coffee in the kitchen, Penny was sleeping. in her room hugging her little Teddy bear, from the shadows of the room hidden behind the darkness some eyes watched the little girl's sleep when the entity was sure that it was time to attack it came out of the shadows ready to continue with what it had been doing the last few months, stealing the soul and vital energy of the closest innocent being at his disposal, when the monster got close enough he opened his jaws to begin sucking Penny's breath, -POOW!!!-, he received a strong punch. which made him retreat.

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To be continue...

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles con Google Traslate.

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