Sin City [5]

in blurtconnect-ng •  8 months ago 

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Sin City - La chica

Dos semanas atrás...

La joven y astuta Jane Carver tenía una semana que habia llegado a Sin City, escapo de su aburrida vida subiendo a un autobús en su lejano pueblo para llegar a la ciudad y convertirse en una gran estrella!!!, apenas bajo del bus corto sus trenzas doradas que le recordaban el color del heno que tenía que recoger todos los días en la granja, tiño su pelo ahora corto de negro y cambio su nombre!!!, nadie que se llamara Ginette Cullpepper podría trabajar en el cine a menos que fuese vendiendo palomitas de maíz o las entradas en la taquilla, busco un trabajo en una de las cafeterías del centro de la ciudad, muy cerca de donde estaban ubicados los grandes estudios, algunos directores, productores, escritores y guionistas iban allí a tomar café o un aperitivo, mientras se ligaban a una linda y joven camarera, las tontas no pasaban de ser la diversión de un par de noches, las mas listas podían llegar a convertirse en estrellas.

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Cuando un productor se intereso en Jane, la chica no le hizo caso por tres días, al cuarto día por fin acepto salir con el a tomarse un trago pero no dejo que le tocará ni el brazo!!!, al quinto día el productor se presento en la cafetería con un contrato para un pequeño papel en una película de un buen amigo suyo, al sexto día la llevo a su estudio de fotografía para realizar una sección y comenzar en serio con el trabajo de su promoción!!!, finalizada la sección fotográfica celebraron, el productor destapo una costosa botella de champan y junto con la copa le ofreció unas pastillas de colores, las azules eran para el, las verdes la harían reír, las rojas la mantendrían despierta, y las rosadas la harían soñar con un mundo que jamas habia soñado!!!, Jane Carver tomo una píldora rosada para complacer a su productor y ahora nuevo manejador, pero sin que este se diera cuenta la arrojo al piso y la hizo polvo con su zapato mientras simulo habérsela tomado y pasado con un buen trago de su espumosa copa de Champan!!!, el productor puso su copa intacta a un costado pues no habia tomado ni una gota, Jane sintió como su vista se nublaba antes de caer al piso, la chica había caído en la trampa, porque ninguna joven de 18 años era lo suficientemente astuta e inteligente para vencer a una ciudad como Sin City.

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Esta noche...

Cuando la chica que tenía esposada a su cama perdió nuevamente el conocimiento, el productor se levanto y se sirvió un whiskyes, se tomo una pastilla azul y una roja, tenía un asunto entre manos esa noche que debía resolverse y necesitaba mantenerse bien despierto!!!, la pastilla roja hizo efecto en un minuto, su somnolencia y cansancio desaparecio poniéndose en total alerta como un gran felino!!!, la azul tardaría unos minutos mas en funcionar, se sirvió otro whiskyes para esperar su efecto.

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No oyó cuando abrieron la puerta de su estudio, pero si pudo ver cuando una sombra gigante de mas de tres metros avanzo por la habitación corriendo hacia el, tomo su revolver que estaba al lado de la botella de whiskyes y las pastillas, cuando se volteo aquella sombra se abalanzo sobre el a una velocidad sobre humana -Bang!!!-, el fogonazo del disparo alumbro la habitación que estaba casi totalmente a oscuras, no pudo fallar a tan corta distancia, pero la sombra gigante no se detuvo.

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John Mackallahan saltaba sobre la cama cuando el productor de cuarta accionaba su arma, llego un segundo después hasta el y lo golpeo tan fuerte en la base del estomago que lo mando a volar varios metros hacia atrás hasta estrellarse con la pared al fondo, del golpe el productor vomito el whiskyes y las pastillas que acababa de tomarse antes de perder el conocimiento!!!, Loreta Red que pensó tener estomago para ver lo que habia ido a ver volteo la cara, Mackallahan hizo un rápido paneó de la habitación, recogió el arma en el suelo, la chica bonita desnuda e inconsciente esposada a la cama, varias pastillas de colores y algo polvo blanco del que no se usaba para endulzar el café, habían tenido una buena fiesta, al lado de la diversión una botella de escoses, si no hubiera sido una tan barata Mackallahan se hubiera servido uno doble!!!, estaban todos los elementos necesario para montar la escena, no tendría que bajar de regreso a su Plymouth barracuda.

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Mackallahan tomo las llaves de las esposas que estaban sobre la mesa, pese a la oscuridad podía ver mejor que un gato en la noche, Loreta que no veía mayor cosa encendió las luces justo cuando John soltaba a la chica, era muy joven, muy bonita, no la reconoció en un principio con el pelo corto y teñido de negro, la levanto tratando de poner el arma en su mano para dispararle al productor, fue entonces que pudo ver su espalda desnuda reconociendo un viejo tatuaje que el detective llevaba grabado a fuego en su piel y en la memoria!!!.

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John le volvió a ver la cara a la chica, luego cubrió su cuerpo desnudo con las sabanas, recogió su bolso, su vestido y sus zapatos tirado en el suelo al lado de la cama y las coloco junto con ella dentro de las sabanas.

-John cuidado!!!-, grito Loreta desesperada cuando su esposo se abalanzo sobre el detective blandiendo una filosa navaja!!!.

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Mackallahan no se aparto para impedir que la chica pudiera salir mas lastimada, alzo su brazo usándolo como escudo, recibiendo un limpio navajazo que corto su gabardina y su piel!!!, luego de eso el hombre de mas de dos metros se levanto como un relámpago tomo al productor de cuarta por el cuello aplicándole una llave -LOOOP!!!-, a Loreta le pareció como si escuchara el descorche de una botella de champaña de las que tanto le gustaban, John le partió el cuello sin mayores contemplaciones, al productor no le dio tiempo ni a gritar, mucho menos a lamentarse por no contratar los servicios de Brenda Butler, 100,000 dolares le habían parecido un precio excesivo por la muerte de su esposa, la actriz de segunda Loreta Red!!!. John arrastro el cuerpo hasta la ventana, estaban en un tercer piso eso sería mas que suficiente, luego de observar que no estuviera nadie cerca arrojo el cadáver del productor por la ventana al vacio!!!.

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*** *** *** *** English Version *** *** *** ***

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Sin City - The Girl

Two weeks ago...

The young and cunning Jane Carver had arrived in Sin City a week ago, she escaped her boring life by getting on a bus in her distant town to get to the city and become a big star!!!, as soon as she got off the bus she cut her hair. golden braids that reminded her of the color of the hay she had to gather every day on the farm, she dyed her now short hair black and changed her name!!!, no one named Ginette Cullpepper could work in the movies unless they were selling popcorn or tickets at the box office, I look for a job in one of the coffee shops in the city center, very close to where the big studios were located, some directors, producers, writers and screenwriters went there to have coffee or a aperitif, while they hooked up with a pretty young waitress, the stupid ones were nothing more than the fun of a couple of nights, the smartest ones could become stars.

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When a producer became interested in Jane, the girl ignored him for three days. On the fourth day she finally agreed to go out with him for a drink but she didn't let him touch her arm!!! She showed up at the cafeteria with a contract for a small role in a film by a good friend of hers. On the sixth day I took her to her photography studio to do a section and start seriously working on her promotion!!! Once the photographic section celebrated, the producer uncorked an expensive bottle of champagne and along with the glass offered her some colored pills, the blue ones were for him, the green ones would make her laugh, the red ones would keep her awake, and the pink ones would make her dream of a world she had never dreamed of!!!, Jane Carver took a pink pill to please her producer and now new manager, but without him realizing she threw it on the floor and crushed it with her shoe while pretending to have taken it and passed it on. a good drink from her foamy glass of Champagne!!!, the producer put his intact glass to the side because he had not had a single drop, Jane felt her vision blur before falling to the floor, the girl had fallen into the trap , because no 18-year-old girl was cunning and intelligent enough to defeat a city like Sin City.

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When the girl who was handcuffed to his bed lost consciousness again, the producer got up and poured himself a whiskey, took a blue pill and a red pill, he had a matter on his hands that night that needed to be resolved and he needed to stay wide awake!! !, the red pill took effect in a minute, his drowsiness and fatigue disappeared, becoming fully alert like a big cat!!!, the blue one would take a few more minutes to work, he poured himself another whiskey to wait for its effect.

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He didn't hear when they opened the door of his study, but he could see when a giant shadow of more than three meters advanced through the room running towards him, he took his revolver that was next to the bottle of whiskey and the pills, when he turned that shadow pounced on him at super-human speed -Bang!!!-, the flash of the shot illuminated the room that was almost completely dark, it could not miss at such a short distance, but the giant shadow did not stop.
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John Mackallahan was jumping on the bed when the fourth-rate producer activated his weapon, he reached him a second later and hit him so hard in the base of the stomach that he sent him flying several meters back until he crashed into the wall at the back, from the blow. The producer vomited the whiskey and the pills that he had just taken before losing consciousness!!! Loreta Red, who thought she had the stomach to see what she had come to see, turned her face. Mackallahan made a quick pan of the room, picked up the gun on the floor, the pretty girl naked and unconscious handcuffed to the bed, several colored pills and some white powder that was not used to sweeten the coffee, they had had a good party, next to the fun a bottle of scotch, If it hadn't been such a cheap one, Mackallahan would have served himself a double!!!, there were all the necessary elements to set the scene, he wouldn't have to go back to his Plymouth barracuda.

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Mackallahan took the keys to the handcuffs that were on the table. Despite the darkness, he could see better than a cat at night. Loreta, who couldn't see much, turned on the lights just as John released the girl. She was very young, very pretty. He did not recognize her at first with her short, dyed black hair. He picked her up trying to put the gun in her hand to shoot the producer. It was then that he could see her naked back, recognizing an old tattoo that the detective had etched in fire. in her skin and in her memory!!!.

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John saw the girl's face again, then he covered her naked body with the sheets, picked up her bag, her dress and her shoes lying on the floor next to the bed and I place them along with her inside the sheets.

-John, be careful!-, Loreta screamed desperately when her husband rushed at the detective brandishing a sharp knife!!!.

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Mackallahan did not move away to prevent the girl from getting more hurt, he raised his arm using it as a shield, receiving a clean knife blow that cut his raincoat and his skin!!!, after that the man of more than two meters stood up like a lightning took the fourth-rate producer by the neck, applying a key -LOOOP!!!-, to Loreta it seemed as if she heard the cork being opened on a bottle of champagne that she liked so much, John broke his neck without further contemplation, The producer did not even give him time to scream, much less to regret for not hiring the services of Brenda Butler, 100,000 dollars had seemed like an excessive price for the death of his wife, the second-rate actress Loreta Red!!! John dragged the body to the window, they were on the third floor, that would be more than enough, after observing that no one was nearby, he threw the producer's body out of the window into the void!!!.

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To be continue...

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