Universal Healthcare

in blurtcomics •  3 years ago 

Without risk of becoming too political (hah! Good cartoons are all about politics and society) I will admit that I simply do not buy into the "Socialism never works," argument. Like any cliche, it's true until it isn't.

The political divide in this country (the US) has become much more a gaping chasm than a simple bridgable gap. Most people are not in the extremes, but those who are have become so extreme they're suffering tunnel vision and groupthink.

My son recently became hospitalised for a week and is now in two weeks of daily outpatient. I have health insurance and it's still expensive; I dread to think what the cost would be if I didn't have it. I've certainly quickly hit the roof of my deductible.

My father once told me - no lie - that not everyone deserves healthcare. The question then becomes, who gets to decide?

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ha ha .... as a Canadian I am Very happy with our Health Care system.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, the United States is really strange. I remember a joke once about the similarities and differences between Canadians and Americans; they're different in that Canadians view excess wealth with suspicion, while Americans view poverty with suspicion; yet they're similar in that they both go south across the border to get cheap tobacco and alcohol in a backwards country.