
in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 


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It's been a long wait for us to see and a good version of Venom, then comes Tom Hardy who is no stranger to the Comic scene.

We often see Vernon as the Darkside of Spiderman but in this movie we see Tom Hardy bringing life to the Character and making us see him be a possible hero, Eddie Brook a hard-hitting journalist always hunting for the truth. He finds himself at the door of the Life Foundation and that's when he found out about Carlton Drake's plan to merge the human race and Symbiote, and then he himself is merged with Venom, I like to believe that process was seamless due to them having so much in common.

Throughout the movie we see Venom controlling Eddie telling him he has no choice but to go with his plan until they both find a common goal and work together, I prefer this version of Venom the movie lets us focus on Venom rather than him being a second rate character in Spidermans shadow.

Now that brings us to the big question do we want to see a sequel for that will be a big YES, we were teased at the end with the possible introduction of Carnage now that's a sequel we all can get behind.

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I agree, I really liked the way Tom Hardy approached the character and that he was separated from Spiderman, Venon has a lot of potential and of course I want to see a sequel.