Chris Hemsworth wants Thor vs Superman. Who will win?

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has expressed interest in a fight between two of the most powerful heroes across both comic-book companies: Superman and Thor.

Many DC and Marvel fans have been clamouring for a crossover between the two franchises for years now. Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has also expressed interest in a crossover, specifically in a fight between two of the most powerful heroes across both comic-book companies: Superman and Thor. In an Instagram story, Hemsworth shared a piece of art that shows the two heroes facing each other. While the God of Thunder is high in the air, holding Stormbreaker with bolts of lightning around him, the Man of Steel hovers a little above the ground, his red cape flowing around him.

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