Some notable exceptional versions of Superman

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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When you hear the word 'superhero', it is a reflection of a person who is very powerful and has a strong morale. And among the ten ordinary people who lack the powers, those superhuman powers are the ones that exist from head to toe. The task of the fictional superheroes, fearless, fearless, ritualistic, relentless, is to serve as vigilant watchdogs of the world. Be it against the earthly terror or the alien creatures. About 72 years ago today, in 1936, through action comics, readers first became acquainted with Superman. Superman is the first popular superhero in the world, wearing a red and blue costume. He is also called the 'Symbol of Hope'. As a child, he wanted to fly in the sky as a Superman with a towel on his shoulder. The number of such people is not less.

Although 70 years have passed since the superhero showed the torch of light to Janara, his skyrocketing popularity has not waned at all. Rather it has increased over time. He has a reputation for always singing the praises of truth, destroying enemies on the one hand and waving the flag of justice on the other. Although the legend of Superman has been rewritten at different times, the original remains the same. So, comic-book writers have come up with different exceptional versions of Superman at different times, to add a different level of flavor to readers' recipes. Some of the exceptional versions of this superhero, one of the contenders for the seat of superiority in power and popularity in the world of superheroes, are the main topic of our discussion today.

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