After Joker War: The Future of Batman and Gotham City in 2021

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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Batman can't seems to catch a moment's rest without bumping into another of Joker's fiendish plots this year. The long-awaited Three Jokers is finally dealing with the revelation that there are actually three versions of Batman's greatest enemy, and the series has also exposed Jason Todd's darkest secret. We also recently learned Joker has a key part to play in the upcoming Batman/Catwoman, with the Clown Prince of Crime doing his best to ruin that perpetually troubled romance. But perhaps no conflict has been bigger or more destructive than Joker War, a crossover that's shown us what happens when Joker steals the Wayne fortune and decides he's finally ready to end his long feud with the Dark Knight.

While it remains to be seen how Batman and Joker's final showdown will play out in Batman #100 (which wraps up the crossover on October 6), DC is already looking ahead to what's next for Batman and his battered city. How will the reunification of the Bat-family and the loss of Bruce-ter's billions affect how Batman wages his war on crime? What new threats will emerge after Joker is gone? To find out, we turned to Batman group editor Ben Abernathy for a taste of what to expect from the series post-Joker War. Check out a preview of the epilogue story in Batman #101 below, and then read on to learn more:

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