Symbolism of Fiction ... Batman as a Model

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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Perhaps many would say that 2016 is the year of comic book fans undisputed, with the rise of companies such as DC Comics and Marvel Universe and with the rise in revenues of films such as Avengers and Man of Steel and do not forget the legendary Batman trilogy of the films The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan Which remains for many the best franchise of comic strip and superhero movies and for many a symbol of freedom and revolution against injustice.

Die as a hero or live enough to see yourself become the villain "One of the timeless phrases in the movie The Dark Knight is wonderful Batman by Christopher Nolan At the beginning if you believe that fiction is only a waste of time and a luxury that only lazy people can enjoy, then you have to reformulate your concepts when you discover that the movie The face off that was produced in the 1990s has turned into reality nowadays - after the face of a clinically dead person was transferred to a firefighter who lost his face to a fire and the operation was completed successfully - you will rethink before you underestimate the symbolism of the imagination, sometimes the imagination symbolizes dream and sometimes it symbolizes hope .

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