Batman 75: Take a First Look at Batman-Catwoman Reunion in Ban - Book - 2020

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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In Batman Returns, Selina Kyle's apartment has a neon sign that looks like "hello there". But a couple of letters came out and transformed the show into "Hell Here". The duality in those feelings also applies to Selina's upcoming reunion with Bruce on the pages of Tom King's Batman comic Wayne. The sporting romance between Batman and Catwoman has become the mainstay of King's story, but Bat has also fallen into despair since Kat left him on the altar in last year's "marriage" issue. Now Batman is at his lowest point, Gotham is at his lowest point, and Catwoman is back - and below EW is your exclusive first look.

What you'll see in number # 75 is that Batman is looking for power everywhere, and can't find it. Instead, they find him, "King tells EW." So they'll have to see if they can rebuild what they had to fight the forest together. That's the final journey, the question everyone wants to know: Can Batman be happy? Is happiness a source of strength or weakness?

DC Comics The reunion of Bruce and Selina appears in the first issue of "City of Bat", the epic finale of King's run over Batman. Previous issues4 set up as the primary opponent of Banerjee's run and now his master plan is complete. Ben originally conquered Gotham City and transformed it into a petty fascist state, employing Batman's villain as his personal force. He even has his own Batman in the form of Thomas Wayne (from an alternate universe where Bruce's parents survived the mug instead of him). Together, these villainous gangs successfully oust Bruce from his hometown. Broken, defeated and exiled, Batman has no choice but to turn to Catuman for help.

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