Why did Iron Man leave himself despite the demand!

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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Although the superhero has played the role of 'Bat Man' or 'Spider-Man' at different times, the audience has not had much of a problem in accepting the fans. But in a word, everyone will accept Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. as 'Iron Man'. 

For more than a decade, Tony Stark has gone through the logistics of great action as well as outstanding performances by Marvel fans around the world. If someone else plays the role of Iron Man in his place, the audience may not be able to accept it easily. 

It is not possible to bring Iron Man back from the way he was shown in the Avengers: Endgame. Now it is known that this incident was caused by Downey himself. And he admitted it in his own words by appearing in one of the most popular television talk shows in the United States.

"I fired myself because I didn't want to be fired," Downey said on Two Night Show.

 Citing the television series 'Superman' as an example, he said, "The actor who has been playing this role for a long time is later dropped for showing old age. At least I didn't go down without explaining myself first. 

So I removed myself. ” The 53-year-old actor, however, is unlikely to be seen in any Marvel film. However, rumors are circulating that he will be brought back in the role of 'Iron Man'. But there are also walls of Everest equal pay.

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