Marvel Comics THOR

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

This movie still feels old lol but marvel was still finding them selves when making thor what could go wrong Chris is a amazing actor and he delivers the role. The plot is decent and the movie itself is a masterpiece unlike the other thors this one stands out to me because how different it is to the others. This is worth the watch.


Not my personal favourite in the trilogy but Thor was an excellent start to the introduction of the character in the MCU and Chris Hemsworth was a perfect casting choice for the reintroduction of the character to Marvel Fans aswell as the public. With a modernised, witty and complicated character. It's a fish out of water story with special effects that were groundbreaking for the time bringing the world of Asguard to life.
A fitting addition, being the first instalment of the Thor franchise. Thor may not have the best CGI, but it still retains enough action, some slight wit, a levelled-out backstory, and even some intimate scenes that can satisfy audiences, who are either acquainted to the Mjolnir wielding god or new.
Without Jane Foster, why create a series of thor movies because the Frost Giants are dead and Captain marvel can just come in and fight them all. Not to mention guardians of the galaxy. In my opinion, Jane foster was a critical part of this movie as without her and her friends, thor would just be a story of thor getting banished, thor finding friends, thor going back. This is the MCU we are talking about. The best universe containg heros of all kinds. Thor needed to make an alliance with at least someone on earth, as he later would need a reason to come back in further movies.

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