Guardians of the Galaxy 3: Sequel Set After Avengers 4 - Movies - 2020

in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

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  James Gunn surprised the Marvellites by announcing his return to the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 before embarking on a press tour in the second sequel. On Tuesday, the writer-director confirmed on social media that the trilogy will end after the events of the fourth Avengers movie fans

"Vol. Avengers 3 and 4 will be held after 3," Gunn clarified to one fan on Twitter With a huge schedule of three Marvel films a year, this means our Spider-Man: Homemaking (July 7, 2017), Thor: Ragnarok (November 3), Black Panther (February 16, 2018), Avengers: Infinity War (May 4, 2018), Ant-Man and the Wape (July 6, 2018), Captain Marvel (March 8, 2019) and Fourth, the still untitled Avengers movie (May 3, 2019). Yes, and the Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2 (this Friday)

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