
in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

Another superhero of today is from the X-men, it is Rogue the sweet girl who lives in fear of killing the person she touched, her civil name Anna Maria Wagner, the power to absorb the powers of other mutants is unique , so much so that Magneto sought her out to attract her to his team.


Her parents, Pricilla and Owen, fell in love, having a child with the fruit of that love, Marie knew her powers from the age of 17, without knowing she kisses her beloved boyfriend, but without realizing it, through that kiss she absorbs the energy of her (human) boyfriend leaving him in a coma for almost three weeks. In that, she flees so as not to continue hurting anyone from her family or friends. In a bar in Canada, he meets Wolverine, she helps him to find a lawsuit, from there he and she travels in a truck, knowing that Logan is a mutant, she feels safe and comfortable. But then both are attacked by Sabretooth.

In that the truck is on fire Rogue inside her, Logan is unconscious from the crash. Then Storm and Cyclops arrive, they take Rogue to Mansion X. Where Rogue soon becomes a student at the Xavier School for Talented Youth.



  • The distinctive white streaks in her hair are due to a secondary mutation due to emotional stress that causes her the danger of death suffered in Magneto's machine.

  • Absorption: Rogue has the ability to absorb vital energy from people with physical contact. If the person who comes into contact is a mutant, his abilities are stolen for a short period of time, during which he can use them as his own.

  • Not controlling her ability, which leads her to cover every part of her body, except for the head.

  • When it comes into contact, the victim's veins dilate and can be seen behind his skin.

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