in blurtcomics •  4 years ago 

This is one of the characters that we can find in the X-men, his appearance in Marvel Comic in issue 16 in 1978, created by David Cockrum and Chris Claremont.


Her civil name Raven Darkholme, of her origin very little is known, she was born in Austria, more is known about her origin from the age of 6, she runs away from home scared because her father, upon seeing her transformation, wanted to murder her, arriving at the house of Xavier to steal food covers himself behind the disguise of a woman, to which Xavier discovers her thanks to her telepathic powers. He is happy to know that he is not the only mutant, he stayed to live with him for a while. But Mystique after meeting Magneto and seeing that he only wants to destroy humans because of the evil he does to mutants, joins his team. Leaving to Xavier that he only wanted human and mutant to live together, she became from that moment an enemy of the X-Men, a supervillain with her own Brotherhood of Mutants and murdered several important people involved in mutant affairs.


This is a mutant that is about 100 years old, thanks to her powers she cannot age, her natural appearance is blue skin, red hair and yellow eyes, but she can shape-shift both male and female imitate from appearance to voice of any person.



  • Her metamorphic power transforms the cells and tissues of her body, both human and robot.

  • Delayed aging process.

  • She possesses a healing factor.

  • Fighter to fight with her hands apart from her and be an expert marksman.

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