「BlurtCN Announcement公告」有关标签 tag 的运用 与及 首标签设置

in blurtcn •  4 years ago  (edited)


大家在使用https://blurt.world ,应该也会发现发帖栏目下有一批标签,这一批标签是「特殊标签」,全都是获得Blurt平台100万Blurt Power 代理帐号,用作鼓励不同的主题内容。每一个标签都有独立审查人员负责。


  1. 有假户口出现 及 某些人开了多个户口来撸「特殊点赞」;
  2. 有些帖乱用标签,将与内文无关的标签加入标签栏中;
  3. 一帖内过多标签,令审查人员不知如何分配点赞金额。

备注:所有审查人员都是「义务」,二十多位审查人员只有我们是华人,而我们只管理 BlurtCN标签。不过,这些有审查人员态度都十分好,纵使他们不懂中文,也会将大家写的中文帖用Google翻译为他们的语言。可是,当他们翻译后发觉内文完全与「标签」无关。一来浪费了审查人员的时间,二来也会让不同国籍的审查人员以为有些中文帖在碰瓷。请大家不要随便使用不认识的「特殊标签」,先看清楚及真的了解才用。



另一方面,这几天 Blurt平台的点赞团队有不同的点赞讨论,但是慢慢各审查人员趋向点赞「首标签」项目的帖子。即是,首标签应该是与文章「最」相关的内容,各审查者亦会集中为首标签的帖做点赞。

若大家在Blurt 发帖,留意首标签的安排:

首先, 纵使 cn 不是首标签,大家也可以获BlurtCN点赞。

美食blurtchef 、Blurt充值blurt365 、 科技blurtech
健康blurthealth 、 生活话题blurtlife 、音乐blurtmusic
绘画blurtart、摄影blurtography 、汽车blurtrides
运动blurtsport 、 女性话题blurtwomen 、 环保话题ecoblurt
动物宠物话题 blurtimals 及个人介绍 introduceyourself 等。



备注:若其后发现有人「继续」乱用标签,与及一帖有太多特殊标签(多标签,但并不是最相近贴切内容)。若劝告多次仍无改善, 代理审查团队会正式将帐号拨入「审查的黑名单」,所有特殊标签都不会再为此帐号点赞。

现时获得 100万 Blurt 代理审查项目有很多,各审查项目除了想鼓励大家创作外,更想鼓励大家邀请新朋友加入。现时的代理审查项目,对新人十分友善,并且会持续一段时间。只要大家继续原创、不抄袭、不搬砖洗稿。整个社区便会越来越好。

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  



  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

很高兴认识亲爱的。我很高兴和你在一起。热烈邀请您访问我的博客。对我来说太好了。dear @blurtcn

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you,
Special thanks for using Chinese to leave a message.
Support each other.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you,
Special thanks for using Chinese to leave a message.
Support each other.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I will always support you. Actually I don't know chinese, so I used Google translate to understand. I am really new to Blurt. I enjoyed Blurt very much. I also really want your support.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you.
BlurtCN account is a curator account. Just for support Chinese Blogger and Community Post.

I really appreciate your communication with the Chinese community.
However, this curator account is used to encourage more Chinese from all over the world to participate in the Blurt project and community.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I really appreciate chinese. They are very good person. It would be good if i can stay with some chinese people. You are warmly invited to visit my blog

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wow !! this publication is very practical, thanks for worrying and supporting all users. This publication is very valuable.
I vote for you with a million stars of good energy.
Good vibes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you @angelica7

We will invite more pet lovers to join Blurt and #blurtimals .

I voted for you as my Blurt Witness few days ago. Happy to see you my friend.