Eddie the Eagl.- Resumen

in blurtcine •  2 years ago 

The days go by too fast, due to electrical rationing it has not been possible to stabilize the internet, but well at least I was able to enjoy some movies while my internet arrived.

As I told you, I like the real-life movie, the one that always leaves you with topics to discuss with other people, apart from sports, I am a fan of this type of movie, this time I saw Eddie the Eagle, based on real events It is an inspiring story, how to overcome all the obstacles, sacrifices and perseverance, a person returned to fulfill his dream despite the fact that they said that he would never become an Olympic athlete.

Spoiler Alert

It all begins with an 8-year-old boy named Eddie, coming down a ladder, in the scene we can see that he has a problem with his left knees, apart from having visual problems, but with great dreams of reaching the Olympics, as well as It was customary for the children to always say that he would go to the Olympics, his mother gives him a box where he tells him that he should take it to keep his medals.


He goes to the train station, his father goes to look for him since it is not the first time you do it, but this time his father tells him to leave those impossible dreams to go home, to which they leave. His mother approaches him and tells him that when it's over, he tells her when he gets to the Olympics, as the years go by he manages to recover from his leg, which encourages him to continue practicing different kinds of sports that lead him to compete in the Olympics. Olympics, and Eddie is about 12 years old. So from there he continues practicing, despite failing, he continues and continues practicing, he didn't mind getting hurt, but one day he breaks the window of his house, his annoyed father tells him "You are not an athlete", the next morning he she takes him to work, so that he forgets about his dreams, he starts a job, but next to the factory where his father works, there is the school for skiers, now his dreams are centered on skiing, and going to the winter olympics .

So with effort and dedication he manages to obtain some trophies, becoming very good in the SKY, but an important moment in his life came, when in 1987, they are presenting the best Sky so that an investor can help him until the Olympics represent Great Britain, among them is Eddie, but at the time of the presentation he leaves a bad impression as he hits his classmates and knocks him down, the teacher approaches him and tells him that with the effort he has been able to find many trophies, but that even Here he would arrive since he does not see the wood to be an Olympic athlete, he would never find an investor to sign him.


So he goes with his father, he starts talking to him telling him that it is not worth it, if a skier earns so much to live, realizing that he could no longer achieve his dreams, it was time to forget everything, to which he begins to take out of his rooms everything related to his dream, Eddie is already 22 years old, but he finds a video of SKY Jumps, being the same wonders of the Winter Olympics, but with a lot of danger, he sees it with fear, but seeing those athletes were flying and were in the air, they did what motivated him to insist on his dreams of reaching the Olympics from another specialty, he will register as the Great Britain team.

Eddie again motivated to have that dream of greatness again, picks up his clothes, goes to the train station, his father as always goes to look for him, tells him that this world does not want to know him, but for Eddie that is not news, his father asks him and he never had a dream when he was young, to which his father remains silent and says goodbye.

Eddie arrives in Germany at the Sky Falls, but with little money he continues not to leave his dream, he stays in a cafeteria, at dawn the owner finds him, tells him that he can stay. Eddie is going to start his sky high jump practice, since he had never practiced that sport, he starts with the 15-meter jump, which is going very well, he sees it as fun, which is followed by a 40-meter jump, but when trying Gets hurt. Petra the owner of the cafeteria helps to cure him, a friend of hers just passes by, to which she tells him to go with them and ask for advice, Eddie excitedly follows him and asks for advice on how to fall, which tells him that in Norway to starting that sport is from the age of 6, feeling that his age was too old to start, but this makes Eddie the only thing he thinks about is practicing more and more, to continue and continue practicing regardless of the fall and blow, until the snowcatcher advises him that he is too old to learn this sport.

When he returns to the cafeteria he sees a book where he realizes that the person with whom he had spoken was a former sky jump athlete who had a time of glory but due to lack of discipline he lost everything, Eddie goes to look for him and asks him to they train him, but he tells him that he already left that life, but Eddie does not give up He says that Great Britain does not have a team, that he would be the only one of the team and representative.

At the Bar, Eddie insists Browns again to teach him to be his mentor, seeing this the Norwegian begins to annoy Eddie, to which Browns gets annoyed defending Eddie with a blow, until he knocks him out, when he wakes up Browns decides to help Eddie, to shut up the Norwegians, help fulfill their dreams. He takes him to a training gym, where he first explains to him with theory and small practices, giving him advice on everything related to how to fly high, in the Sky jump, and how his body posture should be.

Then they go to the 90-meter ramp Browns after so many years without practicing this sport shows Eddie with his own practice how he should do it and he launches, showing everything he could do, seeing this Eddie is more motivated, to the one who can pass the first test of 40 meters, so he goes home and tells him that he could join the Kaigara Olympics, but Browns tells him that it has a series of requirements, Eddie says that for 50 years they have not Updated the rules, although Browns does not trust that he can jump the 70-meter jump, even so, Eddie decides to try it, but this young man was not like the others, when trying it he falls in a horrible way.

In the Browns Hospital he observes that Eddie had a book by his mentor where he talked about Browns in how he was the best athlete and at the same time the worst, when he wakes up Eddie tells him that he would help him train him for veteran tournaments, that if he landed with success could get a step to the Olympics.

After a few days of practice and advice Eddie arrives at the contest, it would be the first time he would jump the 40 meter ramp, with his weights with the advice of Browns eddie manages to jump doing one of 34 meters, not only did he manage to enter the Olympics but also got a record in his country. but the committee invites him, Eddie thinks it was to congratulate him, it wasn't to tell him that the rules had been changed, now it wouldn't be 34 meters to enter but one of 60 meters, so they wouldn't send rookies to do the ridiculous, even so eddie does not give up, his father's truck arrives, via Germany to look for Browns to continue training, Eddie talks to him, to which he tells him that to get there he would have to practice at least 4 years, but Eddie He tells him that since he was little he was rejected, that he was never accepted, that his dreams had always been failures, he doesn't want that, he wants to show that if he can fulfill his dreams so don't trust him.

Browns continues to teach him, taking him to several competitions, but in the last one he had to give his all, Eddie does not manage to like him and is disqualified, although he tries to get back up, they do not let him. But one moment when Eddie was once again disappointed that he would not compete, a letter arrives where he tells him that he was accepted for a jump he made of 61mts, they manage to classify.

In the Olympics, Eddi jumped 60 meters again, making him participate in the Olympics, being the first British team to participate in Jumping, breaking a record in his country, due to his attitude people began to love Eddie, but the team coordinators from your country, not yet. From there he was called Eddie the Eagle, the press interviews him because of the fame that he gave himself, but seeing that he was seeing him as a Show Eddie gives a press conference where he apologizes, says that he takes this challenge seriously , for them he will jump the Ramp of 90 meters.

Eddie climbs the 90 meter ramp, seeing the great distance he had to go down, Eddie comes to mind everything that they told him that he would always fail, that he would never make it, it seemed that he had been paralyzed, but when he was ready he decided to let go Showing everyone that he could go far, be able to jump the 90-meter ramp, Eddie had everyone's eyes, he demonstrates in his Jump breaking a new record for him and his country, despite the fact that many celebrated his teacher from Great Britain, even I wasn't happy. In the dressing room, Master Browns visits him, the same one who made the book, tells him that he had been wrong about him, that if he took the sport seriously, with a big hug he forgives him.

eddie arrives in his country, everyone loved him, even his father had a label made that he was the father of eddie elk Aguila who loved him, showing everyone that despite the obstacles that can be achieved dreams.


This movie does not show that through discipline, effort, dreams, perseverance the goals we have in life can be achieved, that the only limits in life are us.

It is a real-life movie, in which we can appreciate that since he was a child he was rejected as a young man with glasses, a nerd type, they would say these are like that, he is always pursued by bullying, rejection, many other things. But despite these, he had great support for someone who was very important in his life, his mother, his father It's always the fundamental pillars of our children, we are what give them that impulsiveness to be able to get ahead, a simple word can encourage our children, or even destroy them.

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