in blurtchurch •  4 years ago 

Today's Bible Teaching..

Proverbs 4:18
18 But the path of the just is like THE SHINING SUN, that SHINES ever BRIGHTER unto the perfect day.

The bible says Romans 5:1, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The believer is a person who has been justified! He/she isn’t going to be justified after they have acted in a particular! The believer is justified simply because of his/her faith in what Jesus has done. To be justified means, “to be judged as acquitted of any charges and shown or presented as innocent.” The Passion translation of Romans 5:1 says, “… our faith in Jesus TRANSFERS God’s righteousness to us and he now DECLARES US FLAWLESS IN HIS EYES…”

The believer is justified because God the righteous judge has ‘declared’ him/her ‘flawless’ on the basis of Jesus’ work which transfers His righteousness to you!

The effect of being justified is that we have peace in our hearts! We have nothing on our conscience except what Jesus has done for us! We travel through life without ANY sense of guilt or condemnation. We can say like Apostle Paul regardless of the past, “Again, I urge you, make room for us in your hearts, for we have wronged no one, corrupted no one, and taken advantage of no one” (2 Corinthians 7:2 Passion). That’s a justified man speaking!

When God justifies a person, He sees the person flawless and sets that person on a path or a course of life. That path is called the “Path of the Shinning Sun.” The sun represents new beginnings, brilliance, radiance, glory and excellence. We say it is a new day when the sun comes up (Genesis 1:5).

The day you got born again was the same day that you were set on this path and according to our text, this path shines brighter and brighter until you come to that place where you are everything that God designed and intended for you to be. There’s no going back! Things can never get worse with you! Things are getting better.

The trajectory of your life changes when you get born again and you begin your walk on this path in the forward and upward direction as you constantly look at the mirror of God’s Word that leaves you transformed. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “All of us! Nothing between us and God, OUR FACES (or lives) SHINING WITH THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS FACE (or life). And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, OUR LIVES GRADUALLY BECOMING BRIGHTER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL as God ENTERS OUR LIVES and we become like him” (MSG – Emphasis mine).

Every time you hear God’s Word there is an exchange of life as the consciousness of the ‘God life’ in your Spirit enters into your mind and begins to show in your everyday physical life. When you keep looking into the Word, you have set yourself up for a life of constant victory!

The reason God sets us on this path of constant and consistent victory is because He wants our lives to shine so bright that others will want to come to our radiance. 1 Peter 2:9-10 says, “9 But you (Abiodun) are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling OF PRIESTLY WORK, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and SPEAK OUT FOR HIM, TO TELL OTHERS of the NIGHT-AND-DAY DIFFERENCE he made for you— 10 FROM NOTHING TO SOMETHING, FROM REJECTED TO ACCEPTED.” (MSG – Emphasis mine).

You are God’s man on earth and without you others will not see the goodness and brilliance of God. This is the reason you must start actively walking on this path of life that God has put you. Don’t just stand in one spot, start walking on this path of glory by beholding the Word of God until everyone begins to see the difference the Father is making in your life because you are a living proof of God’s goodness.

God bless the readers!!!
I am harddeynike

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